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Email saving dafts every second

My BT webmail is set to save drafts every minute, but it appears to have defaulted to saving every second (that's what it seems to be showing, but actually it just saved an email in draft 17 times over about 5 minutes). And rather than overwriting, as I would expect, it actually saves a new version. This means that my drafts folder very quickly fills up. Has this happened to others, and does anyone know a remedy? This has only just started happening (a few days ago). 

I draft my emails actually using Thunderbird, and it's still happening with the new version of that, although it started in Supernova.

I always had a problem when logging in to Webmail that it would show that there were a number of emails in Draft, but always before showed up empty when I clicked on Drafts. Thunderbird (and indeed Blue Mail on my phone) showed nothing in draft.

I use a PC with Windows 10.

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