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Message 11 of 16

Re: Emails deleted from server

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It was a comic reply!

I've actually got another old BT email so I  deleted that and re-added it - but POP3 wasn't offered, it set up as IMAP as the only option.

So, I think a call to check with BT whether POP3 is no longer possible might be the best bet - at least I'll know one way or the other. 👍


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Message 12 of 16

Re: Emails deleted from server

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Which part of 'I use POP3' was it you didn't understand?

Message 13 of 16

Re: Emails deleted from server

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I totally understood it.

And, as I said, I had one account where POP3 was working and a new one where it didn't. So, there did seem the possibility - as somebody has suggested IRL - that BT wasn't supporting POP3 for new accounts but if you already had it, it stayed. (Yes, that sounds pointless but tech does some pretty weird things.)

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Message 14 of 16

Re: Emails deleted from server

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Thanks All - it's now sorted. A chat with BT found the issue (auto-population!) but I've now got what I want/need so can rest easy - and know that emails may be in two places at once. 😁

Thanks again for your help.

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Message 15 of 16

Re: Emails deleted from server

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I really don't understand why you posted on this forum in the first place when you would appear not to want to take any of the advice or help given to you especially when you post   " it's now sorted. A chat with BT found the issue (auto-population!).   I posted in message four how to set up POP3 without "auto population" ie SET IT UP MANUALLY!

Message 16 of 16

Re: Emails deleted from server

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You can't be enjoying this conversation anymore than me, so I suggest we end it.

I've turned off notifications so I won't see anything else.


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