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Message 1 of 6

Emails going into spam folder

Over the last month or so, a huge number of emails have automatically disappeared into the spam folder on the BT server. These include important ones from my hospital regarding a forthcoming operation, those from my accountant, from my financial adviser and my bank, along with several from friends. This has caused me considerable problems (and embarrassment after chasing up replies to my emails) but I cannot understand why this is suddenly happening. There appears to be no way to turn off the spam filter – not a single message directed there was unauthorised spam!

The irony is that when I signed up to join the forum, the email from BT asking me to verify my email address ended up, guess where? The spam folder... You couldn't make it up.

Can anyone help before I go mad?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Emails going into spam folder

Have you tried adding the email addresses that are ending up in the spam folder to your "Safe Senders" list?

To do that log onto your BTMail account using a browser, not an email client/app, and then click on your username at the right hand side. Select "Settings" then go to the left hand side and select "Mail". Scroll down and click on "Safe Sender" then add the email addresses and click "Save".


When you get an email in your spam folder, tick the box at the left hand side of the email in the list then click on "Safe Sender" in the menu bar at the top of the list of emails.


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Message 3 of 6

Re: Emails going into spam folder

Thanks but that's not the answer - emails from regular senders were suddenly diverted into spam. People and companies I've received mails from for years without any problem – even some that mailed me within the last few days... Something has suddenly triggered this filter for no reason. Other emails come sailing through with no problem.
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Message 4 of 6

Re: Emails going into spam folder

Oh the irony once more...

Oh the irony!Oh the irony!

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Emails going into spam folder

It may not be the answer you want but it may resolve the problem. Its up to you.


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Message 6 of 6

Re: Emails going into spam folder

Unfortunately there is nothing else you can do. You are entirely at the mercy of the BT spam filters.

Just treat your spam folder as a secondary Inbox.

At least the mails are going into your spam folder for you to decide if they are true spam or not rather than being deleted on the server.

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