Message 21 of 23

Re: I can no longer type anything into my BT e-mail on my desktop computer

I understand that you are only repeating what you were told.

Obviously I was unaware that you had Roboform installed on one computer let alone on all the computers that you used to test to see if you were having the problem on other web browsers, PCs  and on a different network. 

If you have Roboform installed on all the devices and you are having the problem on all the devices except when you uninstall it from the devices then it would obviously appear to be Roboform causing the issue however I have no idea why that would be the case other than it must be corrupting your email account in some way. 

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Message 22 of 23

Re: I can no longer type anything into my BT e-mail on my desktop computer

RoboForm requested that I send them a video screenshot!!   After taking all evening attempting this I finally did it!   They have just now come back with a suggestion which I will try.  I will report back.

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Message 23 of 23

Re: I can no longer type anything into my BT e-mail on my desktop computer

Well, I managed it in the end, and they have come back that I should disable Roboform for the BT websites which I did, and it worked. I asked what had changed to make this happen and they say I am unique, the only person this has happened too! So, I can now write and send e-mails, but I have another, related problem in that my sent folder continues to show 5 sent e mails, but never alters up or down so I have to open the sent folder each time to see if an e mail has been sent, can this be corrected. Also, as I signed in just now, the page displayed really weird, with great big letters and something about KORUS, I think, and I am getting an awful lot of 'oops something went wrong' when trying to organise my files and folders. Do you think my installation could be corrupt, I have checked over my computer security and settings, cleaned it etc. and everything is showing as ok, no problems elsewhere.
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