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Message 1 of 9

I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Increasingly major problem. When someone sends me an email from a gmail address, (1) it doesn't arrive, and (2) it doesn't bounce back to the sender either, so they don't know it hasn't reached me, and so they can't let me know. 

Emails sent by me TO gmail addresses, however, do arrive there as normal.

I've looked in my btinernet settings, and can't find anything there to show that gmail addresses have been blocked, accidentally or otherwise.  And emails sent from all other addresses apart from gmail seem to reach me as normal.

I use Thunderbird as my email programme - but settings there can't be the problem, because emails sent from gmail don't reach my binternet account itself, so they don't get anywhere near Thunderbird.

Can anyone give me some advice that will help? It would be appreciated.


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Message 2 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Log onto your BTMail account using a browser, not an email client/app, and then click on your username at the right hand side. Select "Settings" then go to the left hand side and select "Mail". Scroll down and click on "Blocked Senders". Scroll down the list until you find the addresses you want to unblock and select it also look for the gmail domain, (the part after @).  Click on "delete".

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Message 3 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Thank you for this.

I'm reasonably tech-savvy  (30 years online now) - condescendingly classed by BT Community as a 'Beginner' because I only joined today! Even so, it's egg-on-face time. Yes, I'd already checked my btinternet account settings inside BT's website with a browser, as my first message said. But for some reason I hadn't spotted that the gmail domain itself was among 'Blocked Senders'. (Very faint lettering doesn't help.)

Now that I've followed your instructions and unblocked it, hopefully that will solve the problem.

While we're at it: of course I've never myself added the gmail domain to 'Blocked Senders' - why would I? So what DID block it? Hmm.

Many thanks once again,



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Message 4 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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It may be that you blocked spam email or domain which was actually a spoofed email that originated from a genuine hacked account from the gmail domain. 

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Message 5 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Could be. Whatever - the problem is now sorted, which is what matters. Many thanks again for your advice and help.

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Message 6 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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I've got this problem and have tried the suggestion from Distinguished Sage on 18th May.  The email addresses I can't receive from do not appear on my blocked senders list and I have received emails from these gmail addresses in the past.

Any other suggestions please?



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Message 7 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Strange indeed. I tried Distinguished Sage's advice and it did work - but for some reason I found I had to look very carefully to find gmail in the list of blocked senders. (I still have no idea how it got there!) As I remember, I didn't find any individual addresses from gmail-registered senders: it did actually list just by itself, ie. it was blocking everything sent from gmail, regardless who from. Perhaps make double-sure if you can find that? If so, it's then easy to unblock.

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Message 8 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Thanks, having reread the post I have tried that and it seems to have worked, so thanks for the quick response.
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Message 9 of 9

Re: I can't receive emails sent from gmail addresses

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Excellent news! Happy to have helped.

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