I cannot get BTinternet email to work in Windows Mail.
I tried everything.
Server names
Tried with ports at end and without
Also tried with :1 at ends what came up as default when first put in.
I tried ticking and unticking the options, all different combinations:-
() Outgoing server requires authentication
() Use same password for both
() Require SSL for incoming
()Require SSL or outgoing
I tried setting up as the POP3/IMAP option, and also the Other account option as IMAP4
I know the password as tested logging out and in with my mobile email and online bt mail page
done username and account name as my email.
Any ideas.??
Fed up of Thunderbird over the months ive got just over 100 filters to stop spam to move to delete box, and still they come and I know some are the same words in subject etc so keep doing more of the same. So thought try Windows Mail see if that better at spam sorting.
Mail servers are mail.btinternet.com, not mail@.
Your spam is being delivered by BT not Thunderbird, so doubt you'll see any improvement. My Gmail accounts with no spam filtering by me see maybe two or three a week & are correctly sent to their spam folder.
As @rbz5416 has said, changing clients won't make any difference. Windows Mail is awful in any case.
opps typed that wrong above, i mean to put tried mail.btinternet.com
Do you think if I ever get it to work , Windows Mail will sort it better and if it has filters they would work better?
As Windows Mail doesn't have filters, no.
OK thanks
Maybe ill delete all filters in thunderbird and start from beginning as they come.
Perhaps it needs to start from scratch.
I switched to Thunderbird from Outlook 2013 10 days ago & haven't seen a single spam message in that time. Again, the problem isn't the email client as it's only delivering what your mail provider is sending. Shooting your postman won't stop pizza leaflets arriving, they'll just employ another postman!