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Message 21 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

See message 14

0 Ratings
Message 22 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

Hello gg30340

I thought you would be interested to know that for a short time on Friday my missing Folders  and all of the emails in them reappeared in the side bar. I was using a Firefox browser but I was also lucky when I logged on using the latest version MS Edge.

Same on Saturday and yesterday, the Folders all loaded and I was able to clear some of the backlog of emails I needed to deal with.

This morning logged onto BT webmail using Firefox and my Folders have disappeared again.

I've not heard anything back from BT, I wonder how long I should give them  before chasing my complaint up.

I did wonder if the restoration on my missing Folders was because BT were doing something to their servers to  rectify the problem.

From the other community members posting comments about the new webmail application, I seem to be the only user who has had particular problems with missing content.

0 Ratings
Message 23 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight


It may be that BT was working on your account when you managed to see the folders but as they are still not there on a permanent basis I would chase them up to see what is happens as regards your complaint.

If you were given a reference number when you contacted BT make sure you have that to hand when you call them. 

0 Ratings
Message 24 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

I also realise that the line length in emails has somehow altered so I am receiving some messages in which the final letter of a word goes onto the line below. This happens in emails from firms where they use put information into "boxes" such as Amazon. 

Why can't BT provide a guide to what has changed or a  user guide to start again from scratch? 

Finally does anyone from BT actually read these posts or is it a cheap option to get customers to help other customers without BT having to get involved?

0 Ratings
Message 25 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight


The complaints about the problems are being passed onto the BT email team by the forum moderators and they are apparently working on changes/fixes, one of which was the removal of the intrusive advert panel so I would expect that there will be changes, albeit it may take some time for them to be implemented.

Message 26 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

Distinguished Sage many thanks that is hopeful news!

0 Ratings
Message 27 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

I absolutely agree, it is awful.  Layout is terrible, please change it back BT.

0 Ratings
Message 28 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

I don't really like your implication that customers ie us are moaning about a change that we didn't request nor were consulted on. It's typical BT arrogance ie we're making changes for your own good, NOW SHUT UP AND JUST ACCEPT HOW WONDERFUL WE TRULY ARE

0 Ratings
Message 29 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

It's awful. Why should I have to open another tab to see the whole email. Danger of missing important information Not a good change

0 Ratings
Message 30 of 52

Re: My BT Email Format has changed overnight

I agree.  The new format is awful.  Come on BT listen, and go back to what we had.  There is no reason to change it.