Whilst I appreciate that you may have your reasons, please please please please puuuuuurrrlllllleeeeeeeeeease stop protecting my email account. Twice in two evenings now. I've run all the checks that you wish me to do, and nothing is untoward.
My account is probably now getting more and more at risk as at some point I'm not going to be able to remember what password I'm using and will have to take a photo of it!
I'm not sure if you are doing it because occassionally I use a VPN, or what... but please dont.
Mucho thanko
Welcome to the forum. Bear in mind this is largely a customer self help forum. To give your more help can you be more specific about what is happening?
Thanks for the reply.
I wish I knew what was happening, as I all I get is an email from BT saying they have 'protected' my email account and I have to follow various procedures to enable me to reset my password. Once I've reset it, everything works again (after then changing the password on my phones, computers etc etc)... until it decides that it is going to 'protect' it again... and the process has to be carried out once more.
@BlueMeany Did this email invite you to login to your MyBT or did it include a link which you used?
Stop using a VPN when accessing email, totally pointless and just upsets BT mail systems.