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Message 11 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

.... and the other thing about being "compulsory signed out" every time the computer is switched off or goes into sleep mode is that when you have to sign back in it is labourious. First you have to enter the username, then use the mouse to click onto the next stage of entering your password....   Most sensible companies have both information boxes on the same page and you can move from one to the other using the return button.  No, BT make what should be a simple signing in process as awkward as they can.

Still, no problem, there are alternative providers out there and I am currently looking for the best option - I knew I shouldn't have returned to BT.   A leopard (or a dinosaur...) never changes its spots.  I know I'm not alone - but of course BT will only wake up when they suddenly notice a dip in their revenue then a focus group will be set up as they all sit there scratching their heads asking why they have suddenly lost xx thousand subscribers.....



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Message 12 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

@EmmBee304 wrote:

BT will only wake up when they suddenly notice a dip in their revenue then a focus group will be set up as they all sit there scratching their heads asking why they have suddenly lost xx thousand subscribers.....


Given that BT have not offered an email service, along with other ISPs, to new customers since October 2022 and their market share, which is the largest of any ISP in the UK has not dropped because of that , I doubt that they will notice.

You may not be aware but it is not compulsory to use BTMail just because they are your Broadband provider. You can use any email provider that you choose and still use BT for your broadband.

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Message 13 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

I'm fully aware of that, and I do have other e-mail accounts - all of whom keep me logged in and are user-friendly to sign into when I do log out.  I will be transferring my contacts over to these other sites and ditching BT for both telephone and broadband services.

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Message 14 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

SO annoying, and proof positive that BT could not give a flying one about its customers! They are trying to dump e-mails as they can't screw enough money out of the punters. Making changes to something that suits BT, NOT BT customers!

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Message 15 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

I agree, this continual need to log in is completely frustrating, as well as having the enter password box on a separate screen. When this unannounced change came in, I thought my account had been compromised, (unintended result of BT's action) or I had unwittingly change my login preferences. None of this is user friendly. But to add to the absurdity of this compulsory sign-off, why does it not happen on the app on my phone, (which I'm more likely to lose than my desktop), and why, when I re-logged in to this Community, was there an option to remain logged in? Come on BT, give us an option to set a limit for being logged in, up to a more reasonable limit that you set.

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Message 16 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared


Your email app on your phone is not logged on all the time. It logs on on demand ie when you check your email or when you send an email after which it logs off. It does that automatically. This means that there is no open connection to your email account on the BT servers.

You could use an email client or app instead of a web browser and if you set it up as an IMAP account it will synchronise with your phone and any other device that you use an email client/app on . 

It will also synchronise with your BTMail webmail so that if you do have to use a web browser at any time it will be exactly the same as on your other devices. i.e all emails and folders will be the same. 

Message 17 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

Its neither one nor the other, I have to agree or rather its all or none. If it is a supposedly action to assist with security (as we are led to believe) then it should be across the board 100%.  As per usual I doubt very much if its for us as like you said, why were we not given an option or pre warned of this? On the logging in or out on this site, well I tried to log out but it wouldn't let me so I have been logged on here since the last time. I'm not aware of any security risk however if they went to all that effort to get into my life they will realise it wasn't worth it ha ha.

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Message 18 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

As far as using your mobile phone to access emails then that's just another "security risk" is it not? I haven't "linked" my phone to anything at all as I like the idea of offering as few options as possible for the criminals of this world. I have a perfectly good pc that I use for the internet and emails but its not helped by BT and the big brother attitude.

This is NOT sent from my  IPhone.

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Message 19 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

I think you are misunderstanding, a mail client behaves entirely differently to webmail. Mail clients hold the user credentials and periodically logs in, checks for new mail and then logs out and therefore does not remain logged in. A web browser by contrast, does not have this capability.

Message 20 of 24

Re: why has the "keep me logged in to BT email disappeared

OK you got me there, hands up, way beyond my understanding. All I know is one day and for many days previous I was paying BT for a service that enabled me to send and receive emails with little to no issues or rather for a simpleton like myself to deal with. Then BT decided to change the situation to a more complicated and very annoying set up that I did not agree to without so much as an option to stay as it was , because it worked for me. I don't think it is I who should be looking for solutions to get around this issue just because BT one day,  decided to change the way it offered me a simple way of sending and receiving emails. That is all I use my pc for and I have no interest whatsoever in getting more computer savvy when I have better things to do with my life.

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