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Message 1 of 6

Sorting incoming emails

Hello all, I'm probably in the wrong part.  

Was wondering, could someone please let me know how to sort my incoming emails into alphabetical order?  I could do it easily before the changes were put in place.  I can't work it out.  

The reason being, I've loads to delete and I find it easier to select by alphabetical order rather than date order, so I can group delete

Thanks in advance

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Sorting incoming emails

Just use a mail client such as Thunderbird or EmClient, much simpler than faffing about with webmail.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Sorting incoming emails


To sort alphabetically just click on the word "From" in the menu bar at the top of the list of emails.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Sorting incoming emails

Thanks for your reply.  I could do that from the older view of BT emails.  Mines has updated and the From Subject etc has disappeared. So there's no From button to select.  I can't find any buttons to action this.  So I am having to scroll down and use shift key for a bunch of them, but tbf it's easier if they are in alphabetical order so that you can identify sender, such as the many I get from, say M&S.  On my phone, now I can't delete emails and have to do it from laptop.  I wish they'd not changed the email and just left it the way it was

Thanks for getting in touch

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Sorting incoming emails

Oh my goodness.  I've found it.  The "view" had automatically changed to "right",  I didn't change it.  So the page looks different if you select Right, Below or None.  I didn't know what that meant and it had defaulted to Right, which meant that it doesn't show From Subject Date

So there you are, changing the view to Below or None, makes From Subject and Date appear so now I can click on From to look at the email in alphabetical order.

Now I can start dumping more than 2500 emails, which a lot less frustrating than before

This has only took me the most of Sunday afternoon, the majority of which I was moaning, not doing

However, this is a result!

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Sorting incoming emails

If you are in the "View"  where the preview pane is to the right you click on the icon with arrows pointing up and down and it will give you a drop down box option to select how you want the emails "sorted by". 

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