It seems my email was hacked and the reply-to address has been forced to *************- this is incorrect and should be my email address *************** but I cannot see how to change it. can you help please?
[Mod edit: Removed email addresses from public post]
Can you please remove your email address and that of the hackers. This is a public forum. It is against forum rules to post email addresses . Couldn't care less about the hackers email address getting spam but you could end up with more spam and attention than you can deal with.
Please remove the email addresses, as they are not permitted on this forum.
edit:-Mod flagged and dealt with.
As far as I am aware the reply to address on BTMail webmail can not be changed by the user. You can check your email accounts email address in your Profile in the settings.
You may find that the hacker has set up a forwarding address or a Rule that is sending your emails to the hackers email address.
See the following link. I would suggest that you carry out the checks that it suggests.
Apologies - schoolboy error - thank you to moderator for editing message before i could. Bob
Thanks for your quick response.
I run Norton anti-virus and this was run 5 days ago with nothing untoward.
There are no rules set up as far as i can see. Also there are no new contacts added that look relevant but there are hundreds of added contacts as I am in contact with people all over the world as I translate the bible.
No auto-reply. No auto forwarding set. No alternative email addresses.
When I send an email the reply-to field has been changed and it is this that I need to fix please.
thanks Bob
This happened to me today also
Hi @BobHunter and @sinclair658
I recommend speaking with our Customer Service team, so that they can check everything from our side for you.
Thanks to all who have confirmed that this cannot be fixed by settings accessible to the user. After 100 minutes online to community support the advisor has concluded that this needs to be escalated to technical services who will fix it within 48-72 hours. We shall see.