Message 1 of 7

BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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On the Calendar page, under the heading "My Calenders", there's a calendar name  ("username's main calendar") with an adjacent tick box. If i tick the box, the calendar entries have a black dot against them and, when I look at an individual entry, the calendar field is shown as having the contents  "username's main calendar".

If, on the Calendar page, under the heading "My Calenders", I now untick the box adjacent to the calendar name  (i.e the box adjacent to "username's main calendar"), all the calendar entries now have a pink dot against them and when I now look at an individual entry, the calendar field is shown as having the contents  "USERNAME" in capital letters.

So it appears that each time I make a calendar entry I get two records: one for "username's main calendar" with a black dot and one for "USERNAME" with a pink dot.

I'm wondering whether this might be the reason why I'm getting duplicate email reminders for each calendar event and how can I stop the two calendar entries being set up when I only want one for my "username's main calendar".

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Message 2 of 7

Re: BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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@delphinium9On the Calendar page, under the heading "My Calendars", do you have a calendar called "USERNAME"? If not, it looks like your account was compromised by the migration process leaving you with an extra, inaccessible calendar (that defaults to a pink dot). 

I don't have a "USERNAME" calendar but I do have one called "Notebook" which I didn't create myself, so that was introduced by the migration process, although it had no calendar events linked to it. 

Even so, I still get duplicate reminders for events setup prior to migration. 




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Message 3 of 7

Re: BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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Hi, thanks for your reply. The additional calendar is not the generic "USERNAME" but is my actual username in capital letters but without the addition of the domain name (I was only using the generic form "USERNAME" to preserve anonymity!). I've no idea where this other calendar came from and I can't find a way of getting rid of it. I hope someone on the Forum can help.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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If the rogue calendar isn't listed on your calendar page, you probably need the mods to step in or perhaps  you could phone BT customer services on 0330 123 4150.


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Message 5 of 7

Re: BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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Thanks Peter. I've now spoken to BT customer services who have raised a "complaint" for this issue. The main problem I'm actually having is that I'm still receiving reminder emails from events for which I've fully deleted the calendar entries (!) and I wondered whether this rogue calendar was the cause of that (even though the events have been removed from the rogue calendar too).
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Message 6 of 7

Re: BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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I think the rogue calendar is a separate issue.

I have received reminders for deleted events also and should know by lunchtime on 30th May if the event I deleted a couple of days ago generates a reminder. 

At least this problem has been passed to the Email team to investigate. 

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Message 7 of 7

Re: BT Mail Calendar duplicate entries (and multiple reminder emails)

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Yes, the BT email team is looking into both issues: (a) email reminders from deleted calendar entries (which is my main problem) and (b) the strange rogue calender and (how) can it be deleted.

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