Message 1 of 17

BT email

I am sooooo sick of BT. I used to have a BT email app which worked great on my win10 laptop. Then BT changed my BB and coincidentally the app stopped working. Now I can even find a BT app that works on windows.

I have spent over an hour on their technical chat because if I log on to BT web mail I get warning banner about auto call forwarding, Useless, Im seriously thinking of dumping BT altogether


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Message 2 of 17

Re: BT email

you would be better using  a third party email like thunderbird for your email and cut out all the hassle and get far better email control

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Message 3 of 17

Re: BT email

with respect that is avoiding the problem instead of fixing it.

I can use an email client but it doesnt solve the problem of constantly getting auto forward warnings if i use webmail


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Message 4 of 17

Re: BT email

just saves the stress and complaining about something that might never get fixed especially when email is no longer available to new customer

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Message 5 of 17

Re: BT email

so it looks as if I am going to have to put up with this every times I log in to webmail,

Your auto-forwarding setting has been enabled or changed. To review or change this settings go to :
  • Settings>Mail>Auto-forward ' I have spent hours with BT chat without success. Best advice is use a different email client but I dont see why I should have to. I have had BT email for over 50 years without a problem so why should I have to change just becuase they are incapable of fixing it. It only happens on webail
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Message 6 of 17

Re: BT email

Have you or have you not set up Auto Forwarding?

The banner is there to warn you that forwarding has been set up which could possibly be a malicious act by a third party.

If you have set it up, the banner will stop being shown after a period of time. If you haven't set it up, you need to take action.

Using a mail client doesn't mean you have to stop using BT email, just how you deal with it.

You haven't had BT email for 50 years by the way as it hasn't been in existence that long.

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Message 7 of 17

Re: BT email

I was allocated a BT email address when I worked for BT many moons ago. In those days it was yahoo mail.I retired in 91 so its many more than 33 years anyway

I have not set the auto forward and have no idea how it happened. All I know is I cant get rid of it and hours chatting to tech support was fruitless.

It only happens on webmail

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Message 8 of 17

Re: BT email

If you are getting that banner it means your email has been hacked and auto forwarding set up by the hacker.

If you go into settings you will see where the mails are forwarded to.

In the meantime I suggest you change your password.

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Message 9 of 17

Re: BT email

to rogue email address . changed pw etc but the banner keeps appearing

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 17

Re: BT email

The banner will still appear for a few days (can't remember just how long), just keep checking daily to ensure the forwarding hasn't been changed again. Once the banner disappears you can stop checking.

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