Message 11 of 13

Re: Cannot see images on iPad btemail.

Yes, I have tried restarting both iPads but not resetting the router. You are right to say the PC and phones are showing pictures in btemail. So, I also think it is the BT app that is at fault but I was wondering if there was some other simple solution that everybody else, but me, knew about. This past 24 hours the whole bt email system has been in confusion. They have started meddling again in a big way so it will probably be a while before it can be trusted again. You would think BT was big enough, and would pay enough for good quality staff, to change things without causing chaos. You never know, though, it might solve my problem by a stroke of luck rather than design!

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Message 12 of 13

Re: Cannot see images on iPad btemail.

I have no idea what you mean by "This past 24 hours the whole bt email system has been in confusion. They have started meddling again in a big way so it will probably be a while before it can be trusted again"  because as far as I am aware over the past 24 hours BTMail has been working in the manner that it has always worked. 

I have given you some simple things to try to resolve your problem which is entirely up to you whether or not your try them so as I have nothing further to offer you I will I will bow out of your thread.

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Message 13 of 13

Re: Cannot see images on iPad btemail.

Many thanks for taking the time to offer solutions. In my neck of the woods the email system wasn’t working at all yesterday afternoon for long periods. A message would flash up saying there was a problem and to try again later. At other times my sent emails were going into drafts or to my own inbox. I didn’t realise what had happened until I noticed the number of emails appearing in the drafts folder. The odd one in my email inbox I found more by accident, but that one did also get sent when I asked the recipient if they had received it. It might be purely coincidental but the email to the recipient (a regular weekly contact) had gone into spam instead of their inbox. When things were in confusion I called up the emails in drafts and tried to send again but they wouldn’t send. My automatic signature was wiped clean. I had to use a standby gmail account. It was still a bit haphazard this morning but it has become better. The screen displays are now quite different to what they were.

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