Message 1 of 2

How long to wat for incoming e mail is too long?

Over the years I have become to accept that not only do some incoming e mails take an age to arrive but many never ever make it!

However more recently with the increase of requirements to enter codes etc. to access certain websites etc. this has become more of a concern. 

last week I urgently needed to transfer some money online and the codes just never arrived - well, not until the next morning which of course it meant they had long since expired. 

If this had been one off I would not be  too worried but it is very frequent. Are there any glitches I should know about or is this just an ongoing unfixed fault with BT Email ?  This actually ended up costing me money as I had to get a taxi to deliver in person. Obviously no chance of compensation😡

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Message 2 of 2

Re: How long to wat for incoming e mail is too long?

Hi @LadyLouisa 

Thanks for coming to the community.

I can understand your concern with not receiving emails, especially when they are time sensitive.

Are you using the BT email app, BT email website or another email client?


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