Message 1 of 8

Mis-typed bt address

Hi all

I just set up a Royal Mail collection and while doing so I mis-typed my email address as @btinyernet instead of @btinternet but the Royal Mail website accepted it as a genuine address and I couldn't edit it. Is it likley that someone has created a mail server that can capture mis-typed mail meaning they will get any message that Royal mail sends me regarding my collection? I know this happens with website urls, but is it possible with email?

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address

I very much doubt somebody would set up an email domain in the hope that someone would mis-type their email address.

Try sending an email to the email address that you missed typed. It will most likely either not be accepted or it will be bounced back to you as an invalid address.


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Message 3 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address

Thanks for responding.

That's a good idea. I've done that now and will keep an eye out for a bounce back, although I would have expected it to bounce instantly.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address

Well it didn't bounce back and I now know there is an unused Canadian website called inyernet.com which explains why it didn't bounce. Not sure if it's a good idea to contact them to ask for mail to be forwarded to me.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address

What would be the point of that. They will still have the original.

EDIT: I now know what you mean. Any reply they receive to be forwarded to you.

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address

Yes, you're correct.  What's more, I did some digging, and that domain is widely recognised as one that provides disposable email addresses to fraudsters and scammers. I won't be contacting them that's for sure.

I wonder if btinternet are aware of them.

Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to reply.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address

Have you tried contacting the Royal Mail and explain what has happened?

Have you tried logging onto the site with the email address you used to see if it lets you log on and you may be able to change the email address to the correct one via your profile

I don't know how the collection service works but I would imagine your email address is used so that you get a receipt and are able to track the item. If the Royal Mail are up lifting it from your home address you could ask the person who is uplifting if the email address can be changed.


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Message 8 of 8

Re: Mis-typed bt address


Well it didn't bounce back and I now know there is an unused Canadian website called inyernet.com which explains why it didn't bounce. Not sure if it's a good idea to contact them to ask for mail to be forwarded to me.

That doesn't explain why it bounced as that's a completely different domain to btinyernet.com - the latter does exist. inyernet was registered in 2006, with btinyernet in 2018.

It (btinyernet) probably was created due to it being close to btinternet and people don't always spot the difference when receiving emails from them. This is the same for lots of corporate email addresses that are deliberately misspelt.

Surely though Royal Mail must allow for email address changes, people do this all the time - so there is usually an edit function. However sometimes it requires an email to be sent to the "old" address in order for the change to be actioned!.

The best thing is set up a new account.

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