Message 1 of 6

Re: Legitimate emails 'lost' by BT server

Hi. Your message was not solved as nothing to do with spam.  I have the same problem, but a little more insight.  Occasional emails do not reach my inbox, but also several emails have reached my inbox, only to disappear later the same day without any action by me.  However I can find these emails, IF I know they exist, by using the advanced search facility for the sender on the 'inbox' - which inbox therefore must be larger than the on-screen version.  This is not resolved and I have not yet contacted BT direct.  Any reply?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Legitimate emails 'lost' by BT server

But the sender was not receiving the missing emails as spam. I have the same roblem. It is not solved.
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Message 3 of 6

Re: Legitimate emails 'lost' by BT server


Make sure that the "Conversation" View is not active. To do that log onto your BTMail account and click on "View" in the menu bar at the right hand side. Scroll down and Single click "conversation view" to toggle it on or off.

When you toggle it on or off you will see the name "Conversation View" change colour from grey to blue when it is turned on.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Legitimate emails 'lost' by BT server

I have moved you onto your own thread as you would appear to have a different problem from the "Solved" thread that you posted on.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Legitimate emails 'lost' by BT server

I think that the problem described by John Taylor  is exactly the same as my original problem.  My problem wasn't really ever solved, though I was persuaded that the BT Email service is pretty much unusable because I just cannot guarantee that legitimate messages that I send out to legitimate recipients that I have known for years will actually reach their destination, nor can I guarantee that the reverse flow is true.  It may be low numbers of messages that are affected - but there again "I don't know what I don't know".   It is a few of the critical ones that stand out.  Arguably the worst problem that we have experienced in my household was an urgent message from our Health Centre that was addressed to my wife.  She only discovered that it was missing / vaporised purely by chance as a result of contacting them about something completely different.  I also had four perfectly legitimate e-tickets that never reached me via my BT email address, and it was only when I changed my membership details to use my gmail address that I actually got them.

Previously, one very experienced community member told me that the reason why BT just totally 'vaporise' some messages is that otherwise we might get 1000 spam messages a day.  I am in no position to challenge the validity of that statement, but I think that BT has a bit of a nerve to use that excuse.  I very rarely find a legitimate message in amongst SPAM, and when I do, I mark the message as 'Safe sender and not Spam' and thereafter I seem to get messages from the sender.  On the other hand, the number of blatantly 'phishing' emails that get through the BT checks is far more, many of them even purporting to have come from BT themselves!  It is NOT BT's responsibility to molly-coddle their end users, who do have a brain, and who do have that stuff called "Anti Virus / Security Software" to protect themselves.  It may come as a surprise to BT's Tech team that I also have a thing called 'The delete button', and I know how to use it!

Does anyone know whether people from the BT Tech Team actually read / monitor posts on this forum?  I did submit a formal complaint to them a year ago on this subject, but I got fobbed off with platitudes, not a solution.

I closed my original thread earlier this year because I concluded that BT were never going to listen to their customers, and that the safest thing for me to do was simply to switch to using a non-BT email address.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Legitimate emails 'lost' by BT server


Could you find your "missing" emails by using the search method described by @JohnTaylor ?

Did you receive emails that then subsequently "disappeared" and could be found with the search function?

If not then it is not the same problem.

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