Message 1 of 5

Unable to send emails!!! Error message 'Too many messages ('

All of a sudden BT webmail is refusing to send messages - every time I type then try to send an email I get the error message 'Too many messages ('.  I've NEVER seen this before, and I have an Unlimited package so thought that means there are no limits (naturally).  I've gone through and deleted thousands of messages now though, and STILL I get the same error message and STILL can't send any emails.  What's going on?  What do I need to do?? 

Addition: using webmail on my laptop I get the above message; using the email app on my Android phone everything goes to Outbox, and keeps trying to send, constantly whirring away.

It's impossible to be without email these days and I need a solution fast.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Unable to send emails!!!

The "Too many messages" is not referring to how many messages you have stored in your account. It is to do with sending too many messages within a certain time span or too many recipients in a group email. However it is also just a generic message that gets thrown up when there is a problem that is not covered by any other generic message so you should not necessarily take the message a being factual.

This may not guaranteed to fix the problem but there may be a problem with the BT email server you are connected to. You could try turning your BT Hub off for about 30 minutes and when you turn it back on it will most likely have been issued with a new IP address and connected to a different email server.

Before doing that you should also go into your browser's settings and clear its history and cookies.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Unable to send emails!!!

Great, thanks for this advice - though it blows my mind that an error message can tell us inaccuracies or lies, what on earth are we meant to do with that!! 

I can't for the life think it's that I've sent too many messages, as I tend to send one or two a day if that (and my habits haven't changed at all recently), and I haven't sent any group emails at all.  So unless there's some hack going on of which I'm totally unaware (???) I'll follow your 2 suggestions and hope this fixes things.

Thanks, and fingers tightly crossed.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Unable to send emails!!!

Sadly these suggestions haven't worked - I still can't send or forward any emails at all.  This is maddening - what's going on BT??!!!

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Unable to send emails!!!

Thanks for giving those steps that @gg30340 recommended a try here @EHaviland.

Have you tried logging in to Webmail via a different device or browser, or when connected to a different network?


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