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Message 31 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

BT please advise who we can speak to within your organisation to get resolution to the questions raised here. Having contacted Microsoft their response today is “you are now being billed by your provider”.

This response and situation simply isn’t good enough as currently it looks as though I have effectively lost nearly £250 worth of subscription by applying this code from you.

0 Ratings
Message 32 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

Still waiting for more information on this please any Mods here. Who can we speak / complain to about this as MS don’t want to know and it is actually your offer?

0 Ratings
Message 33 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

@SeanD  please can we have a response from BT about this stacking issue for already subscribed Ultimate pass holders : they do NOT appear to stack but simply disappear at the MS end and they are saying that the billing is handled by a supplier and they no longer deal with it.

this isn’t an acceptable situation as some of us have appeared to lost a lot of money.

Message 34 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

I'm in the same situation as Mark.  I need this resolving properly.

Message 35 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

I am also in this situation and wishing I'd never bothered taking up the free offer. I have nearly 24 months of "invisible" Ultimate ticking over it the background. BT can we get clarification asap please as to whether the "stacking" information is correct (and how we can confirm it) or how you can help us undo your "amazing" offer that's really not been thought through and implemented well at all?

Message 36 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

the plot thickens.... just spent the past hour on the phone to Xbox support and it seems like part of the info we have been given is correct but there are still issues that need clarification.

I input my 6 month code this am and MSFT confirmed that they can see that it was added to my account and my expiry date was moved by 6 months so it seems that the stacking guidance is correct. However I can't see this information as the BT/EE billing process has taken over short term management of my Ultimate billing process so it's no longer an agreement between myself and MSFT. 

Therefore whilst MSFT can verbally tell me all is good, they couldn't work out a way for me to view it despite numerours resets and an internal escalation within their support team.  They said that they themselves couldn't access my billing profile now. They said that they "think" I should default back to my direct MSFT billing process when my BT agreement ends weren't sure as the two people I spoke to hadn't seen this before.

@SeanD can you please confirm that BT have put in place an agreement to transfer back our billing control to MSFT at the end of all our billing periods (May 2022 in my case) with no disruption to our services as per the original "stacking" commitment ?


Message 37 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

@PaulMeds  We need some kind of official email communication from BT to users and for Bt to work with MS to get resolution.
A promise on a forum that could be deleted or sketchy FAQs just aren’t good enough.

0 Ratings
Message 38 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

this is good news IMO @PaulMeds 

Message 39 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

A reply of any sort would be a good start, then hopefully some kind of formal communication confirming the situation.

At the moment the only progress is being made by customers.

Message 40 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

any chance of an update @NeilO @SeanD  ?