Message 91 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

Mine's the same but I'm going to wait and see what happens next month. I suspect (and hope) that it's just bad messaging and that next month it'll say the same thing with the date a month later but that I won't have been charged and won't be until the 12 months is up. If I do get charged I'll contact BT about it. 

0 Ratings
Message 92 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

Ok, thanks. At least I'm not the only one. I'll keep an eye on what happens then...

0 Ratings
Message 93 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

I was charged £10 in November for my free pass, and then refunded in December. 

so despite them saying “we know what deal you have” etc…. in November they got it wrong and had to fix it. 

What a rubbish system. 

0 Ratings
Message 94 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

Great. Don't tell me you're going to have to do that every month or have they fixed it?

0 Ratings
Message 95 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

I need help, I added this to the wrong email, meant to be on my existing microsoft account but got confused. How do I fix this? I'm ringing but no answer so far 

0 Ratings
Message 96 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

We already had a Game Pass Ultimate subscription running and we were hesitant to add our 6 month BT pass. So, after reading the various comments here, we felt that we understood the process to be as follows;


1. Accept the promotion code even though it states 1 month rather than 6 or 12.

2. Accept that subscription will be managed by BT rather than Microsoft.

3. BT subscription will be added to existing Microsoft subscription and the BT subscription period will commence when the Microsoft subscription period ends.

4. Canx the BT subscription at any time. It will run until the end of the promo period but will not trigger the £10pm ongoing subscription.

We have an entry under the Microsoft account that is used for our subscriptions which states

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
Purchased from BT/EE
Yet when we logon to our BT account we only have an option to purchase a subscription. There is also no indication as to whether the subscription management is passed back to Microsoft when a BT subscription is cancelled.


0 Ratings
Message 97 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

Regarding your point 4. I'm not going to cancel the subscription in my BT account as I'm not convinced it will continue if I do. Logic would suggest if I cancel it, it will stop regardless on the promotion. What I AM going to keep a close eye on if if I get charged £10 extra on my next BT bill. 

0 Ratings
Message 98 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

Great... My bill has just been generated and is showing a £10 charge for game pass when I should have had 12 months free.

What a joke!

0 Ratings
Message 99 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

That's what I'm worried about and will be straight on the phone if it happens asking for the £10 to be credited back to my account. 

0 Ratings
Message 100 of 405

Re: Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on BT Broadband

I was charged in November and refunded in December Automatically. (I wasn’t charged in December) 

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