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Message 1 of 6

BT Keeps billing me when I have switched supplier, BT won't listen though

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Last September I switched the internet and landline telephones to another supplier, I received a "sorry your leaving letter" dated 27th Sept from BT acknowledging this. Then in February I received a bill for £445< I have tried on a number of occasions to tell BT I don't use them anymore, I sent a signed for letter direct to BT  saying to which the letter was rejected and sent back. Now I'm being pursued unfairly for the monies.  Today I did speak to someone in collections to which I explained I don't owe this money but it made no difference to the person. To add to my problems I have tried twice to add my name to the account to which it never seems to stick on their system. I have told people at BT this to which it means nothing. I can't seem to get through to BT and the staff seem to just stick to a failing procedure. What can I do? Help

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Message 2 of 6

Re: BT Keeps billing me when I have switched supplier, BT won't listen though

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To add to my problems I have tried twice to add my name to the account to which it never seems to stick on their system.

It sounds like you're not the account holder, in which case BT can't discuss the charges on the bill, you'd need to ask the account holder to get in touch unless you have power of attorney , they will need to be validated to the highest level as bills are classed as senstive so BT will need to verify they are speaking to the right person.


Then in February I received a bill for £445< I have tried on a number of occasions to tell BT I don't use them anymore

A large bill like that sounds like early termination fees for leaving whilst in contract, the bill will be broken down of what the charges are and how they are made up, after leaving the BT account holder will be sent a final bill available online through and also a paper copy.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: BT Keeps billing me when I have switched supplier, BT won't listen though

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I have tried twice to change the name of the account holder. I also told them the account holder is no longer part of the business. I have told BT I own the business but they still won't accept anything I say or do. I have checked the bills, It is not early termination because the company was already out of contract so could terminate without getting charges. The bill clearly states the billing is for £323.25 for phone services between 27th October to 31st January. We had already changed supplier before these dates though and received a leaving letter from BT.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: BT Keeps billing me when I have switched supplier, BT won't listen though

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As you are a BT Business user, you will need to post on the BT Business forum, as this is the residential forum, and the moderators here, cannot help business customers.


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Message 5 of 6

Re: BT Keeps billing me when I have switched supplier, BT won't listen though

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Message 6 of 6

Re: BT Keeps billing me when I have switched supplier, BT won't listen though

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Follow the advice @Keith_Beddoe gave you, my reply was for residential accounts, you've stated you had a business account and this forum is for residential customers.


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