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Message 1 of 6

BT Voice on SH2 with Draytek Router

I have set the above up along the lines of posts on various threads.

The SH2 has the phone and DSL line, and everything else is passed to the Draytek.

Port forwarding on SH2 is set to 1-65536 UDP and TCP.

Everything works ok except that MS remote desktop using URL:4915x ports which I use to access systems when away from home. It works ok on the Draytek alone through port forwarding.

Given that everything is more or less off on the SH2 apart from the above port forwarding and the DMZ does anyone have any advice, as the SH2 is new to me.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: BT Voice on SH2 with Draytek Router

I wouldnt recommend leaving open MSTSC to the external internet without using a VPN and accessing the desktop securely that way instead. Also how much do you care about voice?....that much to run two routers!? Just plum the Draytek into the ONT and be freeeeeee!

Having said that....because you didnt ask for my opinion 🙂 .... 

So you've forwarded every single port on the Hub 2 to the Draytek's IP Address and the Draytek is having an internal IP address right like 198.168.x.x? 

I dont think you need to do port forwarding on the Hub 2 if youve setup DMZ, the DMZ setup should pass everything though then on the Draytek you would need to set port forwarding from the DMZ IP address to the actual local machine you want to reach. The Draytek would need to have a fixed IP so that the DMZ could send everything to it.

Typically you are forwarding a port through the external IP address which the ISP gives you to a local machine on your own internal create that path, with a DMZ as far as I understand it the external IP to DMZ IP is already done and then you need to pick up the port from the DMZ IP and pull it through to your local LAN.

Have a look at WSH's post on page two of this thread:

Solved: Smart Hub 2 and Bridge Mode - Page 2 - BT Community

He's talking about setting up DMZ, seems that is most of the leg work then you just need to do the port forwarding on the Draytek once that parts done.

Ive never actually used a double router DMZ setup, always gone direct so Im a little rusty here, but no ones really replied yet so thought i'd try to help.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 6

Re: BT Voice on SH2 with Draytek Router

Thanks for taking time out to reply.

I am on the verge of moving to a third party VOIP, as my Draytek has two VOIP phone ports.

But as a silver surfer I have always been a sucker for a challenge.

I read all the threads and decided to give it a go.

As I said it mostly works except for Remote Access.

I will look at your at your advice and see where it leads.

When I look at the SH2 options compared to Draytek, I think that there is something I am missing.

If I solve the puzzle, I will post back.

Otherwise another lost BT customer.


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Message 4 of 6

Re: BT Voice on SH2 with Draytek Router

PS I do use VPN more and more.

BUT this has become a bit 'It must be do-able '

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Message 5 of 6

Re: BT Voice on SH2 with Draytek Router

As my name’s been dragged into this, I feel I should add that I would very strongly recommend against doing what you are trying to do.  It’s the security equivalent of leaving your door key on a bit of string through the letterbox!

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Message 6 of 6

Re: BT Voice on SH2 with Draytek Router

Although I dragged your name into this I did give advice to the same effect, in fact I mentioned to use a VPN and not do what he was planning.

Little harsh to say ‘dragged’ dude, you posted something useful about DMZ, I shared it, surely it’s what the place is for.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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