I spent almost 20 years working for BT fitting phones, both hard wired and PST. I don't need you or your mate Vince to tell me HOW to do it but I would like to know where you got the information that the REN rating of a SH2 is the same as a normal copper phone line. THAT is the information I am looking for. I have known a copper line to be able to support a REN of 8 but I wouldn't expect a SH2 to have that ability.
So what you're really saying is that you don't know the answer to my question!
I tested the hub with 5 "normal wired phones" all connected to the hub socket, (two being old 700 series). The ringing on the older phones was a little underpowered, at the very end of the chain, (three storey, old house) but it did ring all 5 phones .
And what was the total REN of all your 5 phones? Were the 700 types high or low impedance bell coils? This still doesn't tell me what the rated REN capability of the SH2 is. You may get many phones to ring but if it's outside the SH2 rating the long term reliability may suffer.
Here is a link to the information about tests I carried out. It won't give you a definitive answer, but it might assist in your deliberations:
Both low, the other phones are all REN 1.
@JB2016 That's very interesting and extremely informative, thanks for sharing.