Message 1 of 5

Landline damaged during storm on 24 January but no repair. BT dishonest about repair plans.

Friday 24 January around 8am our phone line was broken due to a fallen tree.  BT were informed the line was broken.  We are now into week 3 of having no means of communication as no landline means no broadband, and no broadband means no mobile phone service. We have to rely on wifi (broadband) to get the mobile to work. We have been advised on numerous occasions that a repair will be completed by a certain date.  What a joke! The date passes and no-one bothers to turn up. 

Myself and 3 other neighbouring housholds have all been told completely different stories by BT.  It is very disappointiing to discover that all BT is good for is spinning a variety of lies to us all.  In one case the 'bot' claimed the issue would be fixed within 4 hours!!  BT clearly think we, the human customers, are idiots.

3 of the households have vulnerable residents and BT is aware of this but do they care? The truth is they do not.  Is it too much to imagine that we will ever get the landline fixed and the broadband service that we have paid for resumed?


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Message 2 of 5

Re: Landline damaged during storm on 24 January but no repair. BT dishonest about repair plans.

has the fallen tree been removed?  it is openreach who are responsible for the phone line repair not BT retail  try going to help at top of forum page and then 'track your fault'

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Landline damaged during storm on 24 January but no repair. BT dishonest about repair plans.

Openreach is a subsidiary of BT. Its all the same organisation.  Yes, the tree has been sawn up.   I followed your instructions but there is no option 'track your fault'.  The fault has been reported numerous times by myself and all my neighbours but BT (including Openreach!)  do not seem interested in fixing the dangling line. Each time we make contact we are given a different response, As neighbours we do communicate with each other and there is no consistency in any of the responses we received.  We are in agreement the BT service is worse than appalling!!

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Landline damaged during storm on 24 January but no repair. BT dishonest about repair plans.

Openreach is a company within the BT GROUP but completely separate company to BT RETAIL .  If I go to help at top of BT forum page there is a heading track a fault so don't understand how you cannot see it

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Landline damaged during storm on 24 January but no repair. BT dishonest about repair plans.

Perhaps you should mention that you have to hover over MyBT to see the track a fault.

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