Since moving to Digital Voice on 18/02/2022 we have been unable to receive calls from my son's French mobile.
He tells me (via WhatsApp!) that his call goes straight to Voicemail with a Call Protect message "1572 ... the person you have called has chosen not to receive certain numbers....."
Once we found this out
1. I found that the service is provided with Call Protect ON, including international calls, withheld numbers & unrecognised numbers also BT's Black list.
2. I switch all the above off - to no effect
3. I disabled call protect.
The calls still went to junk mail.
I discovered that the number was registering in recent callers list.
I called the fibre team who have been investigating and promised a call back today (which did not happen.
Has any one any sugestions?
Did you try adding your son's number into you phone contacts?
Hi @edwinm,
Thanks for getting in touch. I am sorry that your Son's calls won't come through as normal.
Add him to your contacts as @imjolly has said. If the calls still don't come through, it may be worth turning off the voicemail, temporarily, to see if his calls come through to you. If you can't do this yourself, let me know and I'll send you a message.
Let me know how you get on, please.
Thank you both for your suggestion. @imjolly @DanielS
I had asked the BT support person if there was a white list and was told there wasn't! However I had already added my son's number to my contacts to no avail. As previously mentioned, I have switched off call protect as well as the other 3 options. It seems there have been 10 junk calls.
However in the list of last calls my son's number appears marked as blacklist NO!
I'm running out of logical explanations.
Did you make the changes to call protect using the phone or did you make the changes by going to MYBT where you can choose to receive international calls
I used MY BT, thinking that that would affect the whole account rather than one handset.
I also restarted hub.
Good morning @edwinm,
I was out of the office yesterday but wanted to check in and see if there was any change here.
If you still can't get any call from France, please, reply back to my private message. If my team can't help, we'll get you in touch with someone who can.