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Message 1 of 5

Voicemail notification (cassette) is lit up but there is no message there . How can I clear it?

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Help. The cassette button is lit up but when I press it, it says that are no voicemail messages. How do I clear it please?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Voicemail notification (cassette) is lit up but there is no message there . How can I clear it?

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Haven't solved it yet, but we seem to be in the same boat:-

Will be rebooting the router this morning, power cycling all the phones (batteries out), and will report back, but this may be a problem at BT’s end.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 3 of 5

Re: Voicemail notification (cassette) is lit up but there is no message there . How can I clear it?

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Called BT and reported the issue. Mentioned it wasn’t just me. They are investigating, and will let me know if they find anything to fix.

It would be worth you giving them a call too, if you are so inclined,

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 4 of 5

Re: Voicemail notification (cassette) is lit up but there is no message there . How can I clear it?

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Thank you. I appear to have fixed it now. I rang it from my mobile and left a message. When I listed to the message I then deleted it, and it has cleared it. Perhaps that will work for you. 

Message 5 of 5

Re: Voicemail notification (cassette) is lit up but there is no message there . How can I clear it?

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That does indeed fix it; we got a voicemail over lunchtime, and after we listened back to it, the phones are back to normal with no spurious light on.

Can you flag your post as the solution for anyone similarly affected?

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***