ok, thanks, so can i just confirm then that my current SH2, currently configured on FTTC should work , giving me internet access and DV when i plug my phone into the green socket) and that i shouldn't need to swop routers over? Apologies as i am finding this rather confusing..
thanks, appreciate your help. i've noticed that the latest SH2 routers have a red sticker above port 4 (which my 2023 model doesn't have). Asume that is just to avoid confusion when people do switch to full fibre, and doesn't indicate a hradware or software change on the SH" itself ? Would that be the case? Thanks again.
I was moved to Digital Voice (DV) 18 months ago. Provided the SH2 has a phone socket on the back it should work. Personally, if they insist on sending you a new one, I’d take it. A spare is always useful.
The confusion with the port 4/FTTP toggle is that Openreach are very keen to move people to Full Fibre at the same time as DV, where possible, so they have allowed people to think the two go together. In fact, they are separate issues. DV will work just fine over FTTC/ copper to the cabinet. That’s how I’m running it myself. In this case the Lan port 4/FTTP mode is completely irrelevant.
You only need port 4 as a WAN port for Full Fibre/FTTP. In the meantime, you can turn FTTP Mode off and use it as LAN port 4.
thanks, appreciate your filling in the background. Looks like my cust service rep, who was trying to be helpful and going the extra mile, might have just got the wrong story about different types of SH2. BT's own info says the hub will be configured for your own service, but they might need you to change that - to my mind that means flicking the toggle to FTTP when you get full fibre and using port 4 to interface with the fibre modem. Obviously i won't need to do that as i will still be on FTTC as you are. As i said in my first post i cannot find any reference to different SH2's being required when you go to DV, as he suggested.
I think, (and I might be wrong on this), that the original SH did not have the phone socket. The SH2 did but the early SH2’s did not have the WAN port. That was added later, (through a firmware upgrade), and then they started marking the 4th port as the WAN port. In a sense he is right. There where three versions of the Smart Hub/Smart Hub 2.
While on the subject, I’ll also add that the hub will need a reboot after DV is activated, for it to pick up the right settings, and then your phone number should appear on the home page. For some reason, they seem to forget to mention that to customers.
Thanks, yes, i agree with what you say about the three types of smart hub, one being the firmware update. After spending a few hours trawling the net i came to the same conclusion. i think also he tried to explain about the hub not being recognised, forgetting to add that it just needed restarting. Eventually i came to the conclusion that if your SH2 has a telephone port then it should be ok, either through fibre (port 4 at WAN) or copper (port 4 as LAN).
There were initially 2 hardware versions of the SH2, one for FTTC with 4 Yellow LAN ports and one for FTTP with 3 Yellow LAN ports and a red WAN port.
Latterly, the 4 LAN port version has had a firmware upgrade to toggle port 4 between LAN and WAN.
thanks. I have the one with 4 x yellow ports, my firmware is v0.44.00.04123 and was updated 11th december 2024, so if i understand correctly i should be ok in terms of both internet connection and DV when i am switched to DV. I will be staying on FTTC, we have only fibre to cabinet where i am (Norfolk). Is that correct?
Yes, that's exactly what I've got.
As I said, the WAN port only comes into play with FTTP/Full Fibre. Then you get a box on the wall called an ONT (Optical Network Terminal), that converts the optical signals into ethernet. An ethernet lead then connects that to the WAN port and the DSL port becomes redundant.
With FTTC/copper to the cabinet you just carry on with the DSL port connected to the phone socket on the wall and the phone plugs into the back of the SH2.