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Message 21 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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5GHz did work for about 5 minutes a few nights ago, the first time I plugged the BT TV box in via ethernet. When I realised I disconnected the ethernet to try a wireless connection which instantly made the 5GHz drop out and hasn't appeared since.

I did try all 3 hubs in the same location, however, to make sure there wasn't just a bad spot in the hallway I moved it to the top of the stairs with a 10m ethernet. I had the same issue as expected. I guess, although very unlikely, I could have had 3 bad hubs. I will ring and get a new one to test, I may also purchase a 3rd party one to see if that makes a difference. For now, I am going to take the hub to my parents and see if it works on 5GHz at their house.

I will update the thread when I test the hub at my parents and if/when I get a new one or a 3rd party one.

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Message 22 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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Took the easy option and bought myself a TP Link Archer AX73. The new hub connects to 2.4GHz, 5GHz and 6GHz perfectly. There is obviously no interference from anywhere or the 5GHz wouldn't work on the new one. I dont know how, but I imagine I just got incredibly unlucky with 3 SH2's.

Thanks everyone who offered a solution, I appreciate you all taking time to try and help.

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Message 23 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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In reading various details on BT’s site it appears that the Hub 5 supports fibre. Is this correct ? The Hub 6 doesn’t seemingly.

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Message 24 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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Yes the Smart Hub (aka Hub 6) does support fibre:

If you mean fibre to the house, your hub will plug into an ONT that a technician will install for you, which is like a modem (though it technically is not one) that converts light coming down the fibre cable into digital information that your Smart Hub and connected devices can then use. 

If you mean fibre to the cabinet, which uses copper cables for the rest of the way to your house and uses the same master socket and extensions you have now, then yes it supports this too.

The newer technology is fibre to the house, and BT are using this as default for new installs or contract upgrades where available (it's not fully rolled out around the country yet). 

Please note that the newest BT hub, for home users, is the Smart Hub 2. If you really want WiFi 6 you can buy an EE Smart Hub Plus from Ebay. It should be able to work just fine with your BT Fibre to the house connection, if you do not want to change over to them just yet. 

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Message 25 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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Thanks. I have a Smart Hub that is connected to fibre and working. My question relates to a Hub 5 that I have which has a WAN Port. Can I swap the Smart Hub for the Hub 5 and use that instead ?


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Message 26 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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Sure, just swap it around and connect it to the ONT instead of your current Smart Hub. 

I really don't see why though? It will be a downgrade as it's of an older technology. The Smart Hub, aka Hub 6, is the better choice in my opinion. 

Your WiFi devices will now need to connect using the details of your hub 5.

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Message 27 of 27

Re: 5GHz band not working on BT Smart Hub 2

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Thanks for your help.

I will try a swap. My reason for doing so is the Hub 5 allows separation of the bands to different SSID’s the Smart Hub doesn’t which I think is a retrograde step. Will update you on results when I have tried it.


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