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Message 1 of 2

An odd thing happened with my WiFi last night....

Yesterday evening I was trying to stream some music from my iPhone via Airplay to an amplifier. The connection kept coming and dropping until eventually I decided my phone was at probably at fault and I switched over to my iPad instead...and the same thing happened. Several power off/power on cycles of all devices failed to cure the problem so I decided to investigate further. Looking at the Wifi settings on my iPad, I noticed that my usual BT Internet SSID was nowhere to be seen but a new SSID - Broadcom_75 - was showing and it was the strongest signal. Turning to my iPhone, I found the same thing. I then tried using a selection of other Wifi connected products and none of them would work either. My wired internet connection did work fine however.

To cut a long story short, I contacted BT via Twitter and they asked me to reset my Smart Hub router. Having done this and re-synced, the mysterious Broadcom_75 SSID vanished and my usual BT SSID reappeared. Having found the original password and typing this in, I was then able to reconnect to my Wifi. Fortunately, I was then able to change my password back to what it was before this happened and most of my devices have now reconnected.

The BT Twitter agent wasn't able to say what had occurred but asked me to keep an eye on things. So I'm left wondering two things. 1) has anybody else had this happen and 2) is there a security flaw in BT's Smart Hub? 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: An odd thing happened with my WiFi last night....

1) No.

2) No.

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