Message 1 of 16

BT Extender Flex 600

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Hi All

Had previously been using above to get decent tinternet on desktop pc in bedroom. (Two units, with master plugged into router downstairs and slave connected via Ethernet to pc) This set up has been great for months, providing about 80mbps download. 

I was persuaded to invest in another pair of extenders, with assurance they’d happily co-exist with the existing ones) The other two were needed for smart tv in main bedroom (**bleep** and erratic WiFi) and son’s PS5 in his bedroom. I’ve finally paired following manual, but they seem to have thrown a spanner in works with the existing set up.

Specifically, the unit that was connected to the desktop pc is no longer connected. (Data light off) I’ve tried restarting unit and pc to no avail. The only thing I can think of is the proximity of the sockets in the two adjacent bedrooms, albeit one at ground level and the other about 5ft up the wall.

Has anyone experienced, and overcome, these issues when adding extenders like this?


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Message 2 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Just to be clear, you can only add additional slaves, you don't add a second master as that will not work.

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Message 3 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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The units are identical, so when you say slave/master, guess you’re referring to where they are connected? Only one unit connected to downstairs router, with expectation of running three slaves in bedrooms. (Previously just the one)

I followed the process on the manual to the letter. (Adding additional units etc) The unit previously working fine with desktop no longer has internet access. (No light on data)

Just the connection to the smart tv provides enough material for a conference. I had to set it as WiFi, rather than wired. The speed is now 50 ish, which is twice as fast as it was when previous WiFi only. I can’t figure out whether this is some sort of enhanced WiFi using the power lines? (Might be, as no data light agsin)

I thought these would show up as wired devices when connected?


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Message 4 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Update. Appears that addition of two new slave extenders caused master (plugged into router) to lose connection-no data light). Tried restoring factory settings, swapping over router, ethernet all to no avail.

Whats even more surreal is that I now can’t get my original two extenders to connect. (Same problem-green light on power and ethernet, but no data)

It’s like there’s been some sort of seismic electrical event that’s caused them to have a nervous breakdown!

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Message 5 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Try doing a factory reset on all four units, choose one to be the master and then add the others to that one at a time.

Keep the units as close as possible during pairing, the same twin socket if possible

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Message 6 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Thanks for helpful response. I’ve tried factory reset on a few of the units, but will do all of em. The process is to hold the link for 15 seconds, but that doesn’t always cause all the lights to disappear and reset. You therefore don’t know if they’ve reset or not.

Re pairing close to each other… Do you mean initially position slave 1 next to master to pair, then 2, 3, then position slaves in bedrooms?

Lastly- link button a bit of a mystery. Seems you only need to use this to reset, or ironically, when you add additional extenders.  (Did this, and rest is history)


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Message 7 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Do you have the wi-fi hotspot variant or just the straight forward extender ? the procedure for factory reset is slightly different for each type 

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Message 8 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Just the basic extenders. Process for reset is press link for 15 secs, wait for data and power to go off, power then comes back on. When I try, data is already off (see above) and power doesn’t always go off/on after 15 secs.

Also grateful if you could clarify pairing process. (Query in my last post)


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Message 9 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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I just wanted to make sure I had all the facts before answering your questions.

I think the answer to the problem lies in the first line of message 6, it's not a case of holding the link button in for 15 seconds and then waiting for the LEDs' to go out, you need to hold it for a minimum of 15 seconds AND wait for them to go out before releasing the button.

I've always had most success in pairing them when they are plugged into the same twin wall power outlet, neither of them need a connection to the router for pairing.


  1. Factory reset all 4 units
  2. Choose one to act as the master, plug that and one of the other units into the twin socket and pair them.
  3. Leaving the one chosen to act as the master powered up, unplug the other one and repeat step 1 until all four are paired at which point it no longer matters which is master or slave.
  4. Place wherever necessary, it may take a minute or so for all four to become active 
Message 10 of 16

Re: BT Extender Flex 600

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Many thanks. V helpful and clear. I’m WFH at moment, so will try later this evening. May I just ask three quickies?

Should the data light appear on each of the units once they’ve reset? 

When pairing, do I need to have the slaves connected via ethernet? (Guess master has your be connected to router?)

Do I need to use the link button at all during pairing? (Manual suggest not)

Much appreciated.


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