I got full fibre to prem last year and it has been a game changer (8Mbps to 1 Gbps). I only have the BT hub 2 091300 version from BT and was wanting to extend the wifi to a shed in my garden. So I bought a used BT wifi complete disc version 092822 black disc. On following the couple of setup pdfs I cannot get the device to setup wirelessly and act as an extender? It shows in my hub portal when wired, the lights flash blue but never stay solid blue. When I unplug the ethernet cable they flash blue then go solid red? I have tried the My BT app but the disc doesn't show when trying to add it. It is sitting with the light flshing blue after I press the wps button, then app says wifi disc was not detected by the hub retry or close??? Then slow flashing red.
Are these devices locked to the original user setup? I have reset it multiple times but still nothing? I sthere something I am missing? Do I need to ask BT to enable this type of setup or worse still pay more money to them for it???
I only want to improve the poor signal to other parts of my property.
On my plusnet setup I bought the whole home discs 3 in total but they don't work with the Hub 2 properly I believe.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
The disc only works to the BT Smart Hub 2.
The Whole Home system should work with the earlier home hubs, as one of them is wired directly to the hub.
Hi Keith, thanks for the quick reply.
Sorry should have added it is the smart hub 2, which is why I am very confused thinking the device is somehow locked to another setup?
Its possible of course, that BT have to enable the feature, after all, the discs are only loaned out as part of the BT Complete Wi-Fi package, so in theory, the discs should not be resold. BT charge £30 for each one, if not returned.
If you have a Wi-Fi analyser app on your phone or other device, you should see a couple of "hidden" signals on the same channel as the normal home hub channel.
These are used as the backhaul connection to the disc. If you cannot see them, then its likely that BT have to enable them as part of their package.
If you still have the white whole home discs, I would be inclined to use those instead.
Hi, just an update.
I decide to live chat with BT and advised my setup and used complete disc. A very helpful support person talked me through fixing the issue.
They remoted to my hub and could see the disc, asked me to factory reset it then they rebooted the hub and it connected.
I had done the factory reset to the disc but not rebooted the hub before so one stage missing from my efforts. But hats off to the BT live chat help.
Hey there @Geo65, welcome to the BT Community Forums!
I'm really glad to hear that our team managed to help you get this sorted out, and thanks for taking the time to come back and share these details too!
You take care,
"On my plusnet setup I bought the whole home discs 3 in total but they don't work with the Hub 2 properly I believe."
I have used, and are still using, a BT Whole Home WiFi system on three ISPs: originally BT, then Plusnet and now Zen.
Just turn off the WiFi completely on the router so that you don't have two wireless networks and then rely solely on the Whole Home discs.
Hi Paul
Yes saw a few different bits of information on this but decided to just get the black disc specifically designed for the SH 2. Like yourself I had the wholehome on my plusnet router and had multiple ssids setup for various things. I thought I would be able to do the same with the supposed ugraded SH2 but no chance it only supports one ssid???? What the "expletive" thats very 2010....
The disc is working well and only cost me £45, I will see how it goes.