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Message 1 of 7

Broadband speed keeps dropping

I need advice please.

In the last 3 weeks, my BT Broadband speed keeps dropping. It's not the BT end, but more localised to my home. 

I've had a new HUB sent to me and new adsl cables too. But this has not helped. Everyone morning and sometimes during the day, my speed slows right down to the point my son and daughter screams at me because they are playing online and the game lags out. 

I've had BT since I've lived here (around 10 years). I've never had an issue like this. And tech support said they can refresh my channel in cad it's congested. (Which I've had done 2 days ago). 

I've not moved furniture, brought new electronics, everything's the same with layout and location of the hub for as long as I've been here. What else can I do? As I can't restart my hub everyday, as I've been told by support this will slow my line down if this is done too many times. I use both the app and mybt on the Internet to scan and restart my hub as requested. But I don't want to do this everyday. 

Any suggestion please. I'm tied down until March 2025 because of my 2 year contract. So I will have to pay a fee if I left now.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Broadband speed keeps dropping

Firstly, when you say

It's not the BT end, but more localised to my home.

do you mean that the internet connection stays online, but that devices in your home slow down?  The easiest way to tell is if the lights on the Hub change.

Assuming the above interpretation, the next question is how the devices are connected to the Hub - via an ethernet cable, or over WiFi?

If your devices are currently connected by WiFi, a first step in troubleshooting would be to connect one or more devices by an ethernet cable (buy a Cat 5e cable online), just temporarily, to see if that solves the problem.  If it does then you know the issue is your WiFi.

The fact that you haven't changed anything in your house is irrelevant, as neighbours could have WiFi systems that are interfering with yours.

Message 3 of 7

Re: Broadband speed keeps dropping

Yes to the first paragraph.
I only have the PS5 connected via ethernet, the rest of the devices are via wireless, mostly phones, tablets and a xbox.

Generally 4 devices connected and used at any time. Of course netflix and TV are connected whenever they are on.
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Message 4 of 7

Re: Broadband speed keeps dropping

does your speed problem affect your PS5 connected by ethernet or just wifi devices

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Broadband speed keeps dropping

I've cannot say for sure, I've only played on it a few times in the past week. But when I do play on it, there's no issue with wifi for phones, tablets. Sorry, not very helpful I know. 


0 Ratings
Message 6 of 7

Re: Broadband speed keeps dropping

It would be useful to try the PS5 when others are experiencing WiFi problems to see if it is okay - that would confirm that WiFi is the issue.  Alternatively, move one of your kids devices to that position temporarily and see if it improves performance for them.

Assuming WiFi is the problem, you have a number of options:

  1. Use ethernet connections for devices that are in fixed locations - this is by far the best option, as WiFi is subject to so many environmental challenges.
  2. Try to improve your existing WiFi.  Get a WiFi analyser app on your phone to see which WiFi channels are the quietest, and switch your Hub to use one of them.
  3. Switch to a different WiFi device - there are many available, some people have reported improvments on this forum.
  4. Install a mesh system - this uses one or more WiFi repeaters to extend the renge of the WiFi signal.  BT does two systems (I have one using two discs and it works well for my flat), but there are many others available.
  5. Use powerline adapters to provide wired or wireless access to different parts of your house.

These are not all mutually exclusive, obviously.

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 7

Re: Broadband speed keeps dropping

Thank you, I will try that on the PS5 next time. I live in a flat and I also have the BT extender in the furthest room away. So I don't think it's coverage issue. 


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