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Message 1 of 6

Communication Failings Between BT and Open Reach

I am an eighty year old long time customer of BT who is frankly extremely unhappy with the service being provide related to the following . 

On the weekend 5th/6th October my hub was occasionally dropping connection . I contacted BT and their online diagnostics confirmed I had a fault and an engineer was booked for Thursday the 10th .

Thursday 10th Kelly Communication engineer arrived he wa able to confirm the fault but the position of the fault was outwith his remit .

Friday 11th October BT engineer arrived and confirmed fault at telegraph pole in neighbours garden . After considering use of cherry picker decided scaffolding would be required as not allowed to climb on pole .

Wednesday 16th by this day no one had appeared so I contacted BT they said the fault had been closed , why I will never know . This being the case a new fault was raised and an engineer arranged for Friday 18th .they did at this point arrange for a mini hub , as the problem is intermittent I am finding using the mini hub lacking in some instances .

Friday 18th a Net Work engineer arrived and when I explained what had happened he inspected the site and said it was not suitable for scaffolding but they would have a procedure to allow them to run a new cable without climbing t h pole and this would  hopefully happen  on Monday the 21st

Tuesday 22nd still no sign of an engineer so contacted BT again via messaging the outcome of which an expert engineer is booked for Friday 25th which was not what I was looking for just a resolution of the cable fault .

it seems it is impossible to talk to the right people and complaints can only be done in writing with a comeback of up to 28 days . They will eventually get my written complaint but I am not sure how much more of this I can take . 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Communication Failings Between BT and Open Reach

Hello @GGM1

Welcome to the community. 

I am very sorry to hear that a plan has not yet been put in place to fix the fault. 

Is the expert engineer booked to come to your property or to the telegraph pole?


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Message 3 of 6

Re: Communication Failings Between BT and Open Reach

The engineer is coming to the property , do not know if he is coming with the ability to repair the fault by running  a new cable from the telegraph pole as was the intention of the last engineer who was here .

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Communication Failings Between BT and Open Reach

It would be great if you could keep us updated here on the BT Community following the visit @GGM1


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Message 5 of 6

Re: Communication Failings Between BT and Open Reach

Two engineers arrived today the 25th , a new cable was installed between the telegraph pole and my property . I am glad to say at last all up and running , why this could have not been done two weeks ago ? Well we do know it was simply poor communication . Thank you for your interest .

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Communication Failings Between BT and Open Reach

Thanks for coming back to us with an update @GGM1.

I am glad to hear that the engineers have now been able to carry out the work that was needed and get you back up and running.

Take care and have a lovely weekend.


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