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Devices equally split between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz and then all move to 2.4GHz after a few days

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During lockdown I've been keeping an eye on our network via the BT home hub app. We have a lot of devices in our house especially when everyone is home-schooling /working from home.

I've noticed that after a recycle of the router all wifi connections are more or less equally split between the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. I haven't split the bands but the app allows you to see which band the devices are connected to. 

After a couple of days pretty much all the devices are pointing towards 2.4GHz.

I guess people are moving around a lot but it still seems odd, is it something to do with the 5GHz channel?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Devices equally split between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz and then all move to 2.4GHz after a few days

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As 5ghz is no where near as good at penetrating walls and has therefore a smaller range, i imagine that as people move about the house, devices already on 2.4Ghz tend to stay on it, and devices originally on 5GHz drop on to it and don't fall back.