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Port Forwarding with multiple consoles

I cannot get Port Forwarding to play well with my Smart Hub and 3x consoles.

t’s complete pot luck wether one will be Open NAT on Xbox services and Open NAT in game. Almost always the in game NAT type will show as Moderate or Strict in Warzone with the very odd occasion it’ll show as Open. The Xbox NAT either shows as Open or Strict.

I have 2x Xbox Series X and 1x PS5, all of them play Call of Duty Warzone mainly.

All 3 consoles have been setup with static IP’s (via the console not the router). I then set up port forwarding rules using the info from Activision for 1x Xbox and the PS5. I made sure not to include port 3074 for the PS5 so the Xbox with port forwarding rules could use it. I made sure not to use duplicate ports between the Xbox and PS5.

For the other Xbox I put it in the DMZ. Which is why I’m surprised it gets Moderate/Strict NAT. If I leave the Port selection on this Xbox on Automatic it will ask ways choose port 3074, which is the port that the other Xbox with Port Forwarding rules always wants to use too. If I use the Manual Port Selection on the Xbox and choose one of the other numbers the Xbox let’s you it will always give a Moderate/Strict NAT in game.

UPNP is off on the router. Static IP’s assigned are outside of the automatic DCHP range. All consoles are set to energy saving mode.

I’ve tried router resets and factory resets more times than I can recall and always end up back to square one.

Any help much appreciated!

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