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Message 1 of 5

Severe game rubber banding, degraded connection to Warzone / Battlefield game servers. Surrey/London

Had the issue once a month or so ago, and now have had it 4 times in the span of a week, sometimes its all day so I just give up, sometimes like today it was fine mid day, and now completely unplayable in the evening.

Perfect download speeds every single time, low ms, low jitter, 0 packet loss, port forwarding set up properly etc etc - basically its not me. Until I try and play Warzone / Battlefield 2042 whereupon the route the data packets are taking from Surrey are hitting a degraded hop causing extreme packet loss and unplayable rubber banding.

The game servers are probably london based.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Severe game rubber banding, degraded connection to Warzone / Battlefield game servers. Surrey/Lo

Firstly make sure you are using a wired connection and not WiFi. Secondly if you aren't an expert at routing to fast game servers yourself then it will help if you got a gaming router as they have tools for selecting not only the nearest gaming server but also the quickest and best quality.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Severe game rubber banding, degraded connection to Warzone / Battlefield game servers. Surrey/Lo

I don't need a basics of networking class, or to be told to buy a useless gimmick gaming router, what I need is BT to fix whatever degraded exchange they have near London.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Severe game rubber banding, degraded connection to Warzone / Battlefield game servers. Surrey/Lo

Wow, bit rude. You haven't even proved there's a BT issue in your post. Is the issue happening on both a wired & wireless connection for example?

Message 5 of 5

Re: Severe game rubber banding, degraded connection to Warzone / Battlefield game servers. Surrey/Lo

How have you identified that it’s a peering issue? 

Probably or maybe a London based server is probably wrong as the game can throw you all over the place. 

Explain in detail how you are testing your network to come to your conclusions.


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