Message 1 of 19

Wifi dropout in some rooms

I am a new customer with the BT SmartHub2 wifi router.

I am finding quality issues in a couple of rooms in the house, particularly with video calls - connectivity is dropping off and we are having to resort to using a 4G hotspot to support calls.

This is very disappointing. What can I do about it, please?


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Message 2 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms


BT do offer extender discs as part of the BT Complete WiFi package. These form a wireless mesh with the Smart Hub 2.


You can get up to three discs.

Message 3 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

The simplest method is to add powerline adapter wifi hotspots, TP Link have a good range of products https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/powerline/ or complete wifi discs from BT. https://www.bt.com/broadband/complete-wifi


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Message 4 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

Thank you, @licquorice and @Keith_Beddoe . I appreciate your quick responses.

It is rather disappointing to discover I may need to double my subscription to get the Complete Wifi package because the basic one doesn't work.

However, there is a 48MB guarantee with my current package, so I think I will see if I can leverage that to fix the problem first. I just want a reliable service, so the guarantee was a selling point.

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Message 5 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

@SimonG62 wrote:

However, there is a 48MB guarantee with my current package, so I think I will see if I can leverage that to fix the problem first. I just want a reliable service, so the guarantee was a selling point.

That only applies to a direct Ethernet connection to the home hub, and refers to connection speed not download speed, as download speed will vary depending on how many other customers are sharing the backhaul connection.

No provider can guarantee wireless speeds, there are too many variables. You may be able to persuade BT to loan you single black extender disc, without any guarantees, some other forum members have succeeded in doing that, as BT only value the discs at £30.

You can buy the discs, but they are expensive (£100) for what they are.

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Message 6 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

Thank you for your help. I'm beginning to think this switch to BT was a mistake.

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Message 7 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

The lack of WiFi would be the same whatever provider you used.

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Message 8 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

@SimonG62 wrote:

Thank you for your help. I'm beginning to think this switch to BT was a mistake.

You may find this information helpful. https://img01.products.bt.co.uk/content/dam/bt/storefront/pdfs/smart_hub_claims_substantiation.pdf

Its best to make sure that Smart Setup is turned off, as that can cause speed issues.




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Message 9 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms

Thank you, Keith. I have turned Smart Setup off on the router. Fingers crossed that will help.

I see your point about the technology being the same, but I had hoped that something would have changed in the 6 or 7 years since we installed Wifi boosters for our Virgin router and if I need to shell out the £70 per month for Complete WiFi, I will be paying as much as I was previously and the TV has some serious drawbacks, though the aerial engineer is due to come back to look at my TV quality issues.

I had hoped that BT being primarily an infrastructure company are likely to have better broadband reliability, but it appears to be the same as I had previously with Virgin. A few extra points on data transfer speed are not important to me. Solid, reliably connectivity is what I want and expected.

I will ask my daughter to test the Wifi on a video call from her room - keeping her mobile handy to provide hotspot if needed - and if that doesn't work, call technical support.

Thank you for the information you provided.

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Message 10 of 19

Re: Wifi dropout in some rooms


Wi-Fi power output in the UK is severely  restricted by Ofcom regulations, to prevent interference to other services which use the same frequency bands, so not much has changed.

Third party routers with multiple external aerials tend to perform better, but in most cases, either separate wireless hotspots are needed, or preferably a wireless mesh system which usually provides the most consistent coverage, and seamless handover.

There are lots available. I use a Tenda Nova MW3 with three nodes which costs about £60, at the moment. One node has to connect to your router, but the other two can be located in other parts of the house.

I use my own router, with the wireless turned off, to avoid interfering with the mesh.

There are plenty of other, wireless mesh systems, TP Deco M4 is another popular system used by other forum members, which may give better performance.

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