Is xxxxxxx, St Albans Place, London N1 0NX connected?
How can we check if the building is actually connected to your network. We have a box in the basement that says virgin media and then in the flats boxes that say BT line.
Virgin have confirmed that the building is not connected to their infrastructure. even though the website says that 3 of the 5 flats in the block are serviceable.
BT says that all flats are serviceable but i want to avoid the same issue as virgin. Before we get accounts set up and engineers over to set up hardware that wont actually work can i get some confirmation that the building is connected to the BT network.
Welcome to this user forum for BT Retail phone and broadband customers.
You would have to ask Openreach, as they provide the network infrastructure for many providers. They should be able to tell if your London building is connected to the network.
I am assuming you are trying to arrange connection to a number of flats within the building.
Quote "Before we get accounts set up and engineers over to set up hardware that wont actually work can i get some confirmation that the building is connected to the BT network"
This is a customer help customer forum and your post does not go to BT
Try phoning customer services and see if the can help 03301234150
Try entering your address or phone number. https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL