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Joint Venture BT role

What input/role does BT have in deciding Sports rights  now they are held by the joint venture company  ?

Also as i  understand the Eurosport UK  content comes under the joint venture why is there so little promotion of the Eurosport channel content by BT.


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Re: Joint Venture BT role

It did start towards the end of last (football) season the e.g. 'Champions Weekend' or whatever it was called but from memory it was tending to point people towards Discovery+ which is probably going to continue. 

I noticed a tweet yesterday from BBC Sport about their coverage of the Women's World Cup quarter finals and not one mention was made of any linear channels just iPlayer/Sounds/BBC Sport app and I think the WBD/TNT approach is going to be similar.

As for sports rights who knows exactly but I'd suggest WBD are the main player (even though it's 50:50 deal) and will buy out BT within the 4 years stipulated in the agreement.  I've worked in a JV (different industry) myself and we all knew it was a sale/takeover in all but name and at the first opportunity the agreement allowed, the company we had worked for sold up shop.