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Message 1 of 4

TNT Sport Timeline markers ruining sports on catch up

With TNT picking up the rights for England’s overseas tests, I was excited to wake up and watch on catch up, however the default setting for the timeline markers is set to ‘on’ so the minute you settle back and hit play you are instantly informed if and when wickets will fall as you desperately try to find the tiny button to turn the markers off. This removes any enjoyment, especially for test cricket where wickets are rare and celebrated, if you know there aren’t any, or you see a (likely) England collapse, it totally destroys the experience. 
I have also found this to be an issue on football and rugby, you know a goal or try is coming, so half the fun of the element of surprise is removed. 
Please, if the markers have to remain, and I appreciate they may be useful in certain situations, can the default setting be set to OFF?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: TNT Sport Timeline markers ruining sports on catch up

I agree the default should be OFF. However I was catching up with the last session of yesterday this morning and the timeline markers were only showing up to the current playpoint. You could tab right to get to the next future marker which could be used to tab quickly through the live coverage.

This was watching using my Chromecast dongle. Currently watching tonight's first session on my BT Youview box about 30 minutes behind and not seeing any timeline markers. Is this a difference in the apps on the different devices or a difference between chase-playing the live stream and watching the catch up stream?

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Message 3 of 4

Re: TNT Sport Timeline markers ruining sports on catch up

Hi @BG58  which device (s) are you experiencing this on and are you watching the catchup whilst the programme is still broadcasting live. ( ie are you watching the cricket after the days play has ended and programme has completed or are watching play from earlier in the day whilst play is still in progress ?}

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Message 4 of 4

Re: TNT Sport Timeline markers ruining sports on catch up

Discovery+ app on Firestick, although it’s the same on Discovery+ app on Sony TV. Watching on catch up after the day’s play has finished and the programme ended. Same with rugby and football whether watching during the show or after it’s finished. Anticipation is the main thrill of sport, remove it and you lose the essence of sport. 
incidentally I’ve also noticed that if you set timeline markers to off, and then hit rewind or fast forward later on, they come back on. 

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