Message 11 of 16

Port rule to close port 80

My bt hub 2 has ports 53, 80, and 443 open. I want to close port 80. I’ve never made a port forwarding rule before. I don’t know if they are internal or external. If I create a new rule for 53, and a new rule for 443 will that automatically close port 80? Thank you in advance 

Message 12 of 16

Re: Port rule to close port 80

Why are those ports open? Have you forwarded them? Are you running a web server and DNS server on a machine.

Port forwarding simply opens ports to a particular machine, you can't set a port forwarding rule to close a port. Unless there is a rule opening the ports or UPnP  opening them they will be closed.

Edit: just seen your previous posts.

You need to have serious talk with your son who is clearly to blame.

Message 13 of 16

Re: Port rule to close port 80

I just thought they opened themselves when someone is using online gaming. Apparently port 80 is set to open automatically as bts default port but I read that port 443 is a secured alternative. I didn’t know the port forwarding rules in my router log had been manually added by a person. Apparently to play multiplayer games on ps5 with friends you have to have ports open dependent on the game. My son now has no phone or laptop just the console with a child profile so shouldn’t be able to configure anything? I just need someone to tell me what I should set on the router - I’m the only person with the WiFi and admin passwords 

Message 14 of 16

Re: Port rule to close port 80

Port 80 is the Http port, port 443 is Https to access a web server and port 53 is DNS.

How are you discovering the ports are open?

With UPnP enabled, ports are opened and closed as required automatically.

You can either disable UPnP and prevent him playing multiplayer games or leave it enabled and allow the games to open the required port.



Message 15 of 16

Re: Port rule to close port 80

You may find that even with UPNP disabled that games still work, I dont have it enabled and FC25, CS2, GTA and Tony Hawk all work without an issue.

Probably best to switch it off in most circumstances and then if a game doesnt work just look up what ports it needs open and then just open those alone pointing to the relevant internal IP address. I would delete any manual entries to start with, that table you posted looks like nearly all external ports are open pointing to one internal point and IP....although I could be misinterpreting what that table is illustrating. 

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 16 of 16

Re: Port rule to close port 80

Not sure what's going on here, I suspect he is hosting a game so this requires ports to be open. But ports 80 and 443 suggest he is running a web server. Port 53 is normally used for DNS so not sure what that is all about.