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Message 1 of 4

What's happened to BT WiFi?

I have, up to a few weeks ago, been able to use BT Wifi to access WiFi when out and about from routers that people have, like me, authorised this for their routers.

This has recently stopped working and I understand that this is because it is being renamed EE WiFi. However, there is no EE WiFi app that I can find to download and, even if there was, I'm not clear that it would be available to me as a BT broadband customer.

Does anyone know what the future of this service is going to be? Or has it just been abandoned by BT/EE?

Message 2 of 4

Re: What's happened to BT WiFi?

Message 3 of 4

Re: What's happened to BT WiFi?

Have you forgotten that you gave a kudo to this thread on the 14.03.24 or did you not read the tread and the link I posted.

Solved: Re: Can't find BT Wi-Fi app in Google store - BT Community

Message 4 of 4

Re: What's happened to BT WiFi?

"Have you forgotten that you gave a kudo to this thread on the 14.03.24 or did you not read the tread and the link I posted.
Solved: Re: Can't find BT Wi-Fi app in Google store - BT Community"

Oops - yes I had forgotten this.
And this week I've found that if I select EE WiFi from the list of available SSIDs on my phone I get logged into it without having to key in any credentials. This is so despite the BT WiFi app (which is still on my phone) apparently not working when I try to use that to access a WiFi hotspot as I used to do.
So the absence of an EE WiFi app is not too inconvenient - though I can't see why BT couldn't just issue an update to the BT WiFi app that just renamed it.