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Message 1 of 6

slow broadband

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my isp is talk talk but my master socket is bt

if i disconnect extensions and plug adsl router in bt master socket I get 18 Mbs which I am happy with

but if I use extensions 1 gives me 12 Mbs

2 cnd extension gives me 14 Mbs

3 rd extension gives me nothing no internet no phone ;ine

bt master socket has single cable running to extensions

but extensions have 2 cables in each extension.

was going to get bt to move bt master socket which is by narrow front door

but with several extensions now I am not so sure.


Message 2 of 6

Re: slow broadband

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If your phone and broadband is provided by Talk Talk, you need to direct your query to them as this is a customer to customer help forum for BT Retail residential customers only.

Message 3 of 6

Re: slow broadband

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Extensions are normally just daisy-chained off the master socket. Depending on the age of the socket, when you undo the screws the lower portion should pull off, revealing another socket. This separates the extensions from the wiring coming into the property. First job is to plug your router into that socket & see what speed you get.

Then check the plate that you removed which carries the extension wiring. If there's an orange & white wire connected that's the old ring wire which is no longer needed. But it can act as an aerial for interference, so is best removed. That should just leave two wires going to the first extension on pins 2 & 5. These should blue/white & white blue. Put the faceplate back on the socket & test the extensions again. Hopefully that will have improved things except for the dead socket.

If not, Google how to use an IDC punch tool, buy one & remake all the connections for the extension wiring, including in the master socket. You don't need to touch the main wiring. All should then be good unless you have a cable break somewhere.

If you do want the master socket moved you'll need to contact your ISP rather than BT. The job will actually be done by Openreach. If you go that route may as well get them to redo the extensions, but it will be expensive.

Message 4 of 6

Re: slow broadband

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Message 5 of 6

Re: slow broadband

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Already been on TalkTalk forums they got me to remove the faceplate and plug the router with filter direct to bt master socket

this gave reasonable speed (18 Mbs). Then I tried all extensions one did not work at all, one gave 12 Mbs and one gave 14 Mbs

the extensions don't really get used but there is no line noise when using the phone,

and talk talk suggested disconnecting extensions and moving bt master socket

wiring in the front faceplate for extension is blue, orange and white/blue.

orange/white wire is disconnected.



Message 6 of 6

Re: slow broadband

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If the extensions aren't being used & you want the router elsewhere, just disconnect them & use one where you want the router & rewire it back to the master yourself.

But again, if you want the master moved that will have to be arranged through TalkTalk.