since ‎29-06-2017
Why hello there. I can not believe I did not know this site existed sooner. I want to go on a trip to Shantou and have been planning a trip there next year. I was born in Santa Ana but raised in Minneapolis. I do a lot of volunteer work for my local shelter. My favorite books are Are You There God and Infinite Jest. They really helped make me the person I am today. Anyone interested in chatting, feel free to message me.
Why hello there. I can not believe I did not know this site existed sooner. I want to go on a trip to Shantou and have been planning a trip there next year. I was born in Santa Ana but raised in Minneapolis. I do a lot of volunteer work for my local shelter. My favorite books are Are You There God and Infinite Jest. They really helped make me the person I am today. Anyone interested in chatting, feel free to message me.
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Date Registered ‎29-06-2017