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Message 1 of 4

BT Cloud V 20.6.1 Now Feb 2021 and still unable to download my Folders with Contents

I have BT Cloud V 20.6.1 and eventhough we repeatedly get promised a "repaired" version of BT Cloud   I am  still unable to download my folders with contents and restore my critical PC.

I have all my files "Synced" to bt cloud. I now need to restore them as I have had a disk failure but I can not download the folder "trees". If i try and download a folder that contains folders which contail files BT Cloud only downloads a load of emptry folders. If i try and download multipe folders that contain files i  get all the files from all the folders TOGETHER in one folder.

I put my faith in BT and PAID them for the promised responsibility of protecting my data and they have failed to deliver. It is no good only being able to download files, it would take for ever to reconstruct a drive one folder at a time.

I have now been waiting since last year for this to be resoved but the only responce I can see from BT is we need time to test a new release, well what testing was done on 20.6.1 I ask ??

There seems to be 2 show stopping problems with this release, the above and the problem with the app not starting and as these seemed ok in previous releases ( I can only go by what others are saying as this is the first time i have had to rely on BT Cloud to deliver a backup) surley an intermediate release could be made to resolve these major problems.





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Message 2 of 4

Re: BT Cloud V 20.6.1 Now Feb 2021 and still unable to download my Folders with Contents

I haven't tried it myself but just a thought.

What happens if you logon to the cloud through your browser, select All My Files, click on the link to open the folder you're interested in and mark all of the files within it for download?

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Message 3 of 4

Re: BT Cloud V 20.6.1 Now Feb 2021 and still unable to download my Folders with Contents

Many thanks for your suggestion Les-Gibson, unfortunatly that does not work. eg if files 1,2,3 are in folder a and files 4,5 are in folder b and both these folders are in folder c and all are marked for download, all that happens is files 1,2,3,4,5 are downloaded in folder c and not in their respected sub-folders a and b. so my C drive when restored has ended up with all my files together in one directory and not in their respective folders. This has been a problem highlighted by many users since last year, maybe this is why many are now getting BT Cloud complimentry as part of our broadband package and not having to pay for it as in my experience its not fit for purpose anymore i'm afraid. I only hope I am doing somthing wrong because I have entrusted BT with a lot of valuable data which is going to take me weeks to un-pick
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Message 4 of 4

Re: BT Cloud V 20.6.1 Now Feb 2021 and still unable to download my Folders with Contents

I had a catastrophic disk failure and was surprised how little to no info on how to get files back into pc so here is what to do based on latest version of BT App on Windows 10.

Let’s assume you’ve lost the boot drive as worst case scenario. Once you’ve recovered the PC install the BT App and logon with BT Account. On the PC create the top level folders you where backing up to the cloud. If you aren’t sure choose the globe logo and logon to web to see the structure of the folders.

In the BT app add the folders in the backup section. If you now hover over the folder in the app you will get a cog icon. Click on that and you should get a number of tick boxes. Tick the download one and then save.

What you’ve done is instruct the App to mirror from PC and Cloud both ways. All the protected files will begin to download to the PC. This is likely to take a while but will recover everything to the point of failure / backup. This is way quicker though than using the download option in the web browser as only downloads files in folder below not whole tree.

Hope this helps.



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