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Message 11 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

@231Bex wrote:

Connection failed with error 651


Thats LAN Port 1 to a laptop - set up a new connection (PPPoE) - I only put in Username and password.


That worked! I didn't forget to plug in the RJ11 honest....



Ignore my last, posts crossed with your edit.

Message 12 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Haha, Thanks for your help again.

At least I know it is possible and should work and I am using the correct settings.  Just need to figure out whats up with the TP-LINK.

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Message 13 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Yeah, can't really help there I'm afraid, not a device I'm familiar with.


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Message 14 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

No worries, finally managed to get it all working! 

However, just one question, not sure if you would know.

Would this setup still work if I went from LAN1 on the HG612 --> Switch --> WAN Port on TP-LINK

I got it working without a switch, but it doesn't seem to like it when I introduce a switch...

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Message 15 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

It should work, but why would you want to introduce a switch in the WAN, you wouldn't be able to connect anything else to the switch unless you wanted to mirror the port. It would need to be a managed switch to do that though.

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Message 16 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

I have 3 buildings all with unmanaged switches and devices in each. (Building 1 and 3 have separate incoming Internet connections)

I was thinking of putting a modem (HG612) in Building 1 and 3 and plugging into the switch there which runs to all devices and more unmanaged switches - Building 1 and 3 each have just 1 cable going to Building 2.

Building 2 in the centre would have another switch with more devices and the Dual WAN TP-Link which would load balance the connections etc.

That was the plan anyway....


OK seems I need to keep WAN and LAN seperate right? I'll start looking at managed switches with VLAN options.

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Message 17 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Load balancing is on the WAN side, you would need multiple broadband connections to balance across. If you only have one broadband connection, you can only connect it to one modem and one WAN port. WAN and LAN need to be kept separate.

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Message 18 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Yes,  I do have 2 broadband connections. This was the plan, have 2 modems going into the one load balancer.

The problem is I can't run any more cables between the buildings. There's just 1 in each building running to the middle one. So I guess that can only either be WAN or LAN. Can't do both.. 😞

So I think I might to just scrap the idea and cut my losses.

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Message 19 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

@231Bex wrote:

Yes,  I do have 2 broadband connections. This was the plan, have 2 modems going into the one load balancer.

Ah, missed that you had connections to buildings 1 & 3.

Bit of a bodge, but you could try splitting the cables into 2x4W and use 4 wires for the WAN and 4 for the LAN as long as you dont' want Gbit speeds within the LANs. Not 100% sure if GBe cards will work at 100M with 4 wires or if they still need all 8. Worth a try

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Message 20 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Will give it a go tomorrow. Thanks for your advice, I've learnt a lot today!

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