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Message 1 of 6

Broadband speed dropped - no landline again

Good evening

Please would someone help me and if possible take my case on.  I am literally at the end of my tether.

On 16/04/2021 an engineer came and stated that I had no landline which caused my broadband to severely drop.  Don't know the reason why at the time, but it was 'fixed'.  Everything was fine until now....

Fast forward 03/12/2021 and now the same thing has happened again. Engineer visited on 07/12/2021, did tests, all ok, no problem my end I was told and he fixed it etc. He stated that I had no landline.

BT monitored for 3 days and apparently it was ok.

This evening, 15/12/2021, the same thing has happened again, my speed dropped. I put my phone in the test socket, no dialling tone nothing.

I reported it via online/phone/sms.  The 'track fault' status says, no calls in/out even though the online diagnostics said nothing was wrong!  So, quite clearly, it is a phone/broadband fault like the ones before.

I now have to call at 8am tomorrow or wait until they contact me, but I would like the problem solved permanently once and for all because there is something wrong now. They will send an engineer who will come, fix it but I am afraid that the issue will happen all over again.

Please would someone help me?

I have a landline number, but I don't have a phone plugged in and don't use it. I just bought a cheap one as I have had problems in the past back in 2018-2019.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Broadband speed dropped - no landline again

He says he has in his post.

"This evening, 15/12/2021, the same thing has happened again, my speed dropped. I put my phone in the test socket, no dialling tone nothing."

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Broadband speed dropped - no landline again

Just to add, I’ve dialled my landline number from my mobile and it rings. 

what would that suggest considering I have no connection/dead line at all when I plug phone in socket?

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Broadband speed dropped - no landline again

@TobiasRieper wrote:

Just to add, I’ve dialled my landline number from my mobile and it rings. 

what would that suggest considering I have no connection/dead line at all when I plug phone in socket?

There is an intermittent disconnection on the external network somewhere, you will still get ringing tone.

As this is a repeat fault, I have asked a moderator to assist.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Broadband speed dropped - no landline again

Hi @TobiasRieper

Thank you for your posts and welcome back.

I am sorry for the recurring fault on your line.  I know from what you've said that this has going on for quite some time.  We'll be happy to take a look and help get this sorted once and for all.  We'll get back to you when you reach the top of our queue.

I have sent you a private message with instructions on how you can send us over your details and we'll look into this for you. See: Private messages



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Message 6 of 6

Re: Broadband speed dropped - no landline again

Many thanks for the update, appreciated.

Just to let you know, the BT Tech support called me at 8am. I explained the problem and an SFI engineer has been booked for tomorrow Friday afternoon slot. FYI.

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