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Message 1 of 9

Full Fibre Ordering Woes

I'm not sure if anyone on this forum can help, or if a BT moderator will see this, but Ive been having problems ordering Fibre 300 & Digital Voice since mid June, I did manage to get the Fibre 300 working at one point , but only with the proviision of a new copper phone line, so this all had to be ceased,  and there have been several attempts to re-order the services since with zero success. I have my suspicions that the problem may be related to the fact that I already had Digital Voice on my FTTC service, which has confused the order process, as I don't think there are a huge amount of customers with this configuration currently.

Separately, Ive notice that certain codes are used when the orders are placed i.e



I can guess what most of these mean, but it would be great if anyone could explain what they mean?

I have not raised a formal complaint yet, but I think I may have to as the various agents that I have spoken to (mostly Accrington and Dundee via 08006874787) seem to be guessing what to do rather than escalating succesfully?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated

Ive attached a brief summary of each order placed along the way, its interstingto note that my requirement has been consistent Fibre 300 and DV 700 minutes, but that seems to have been change a couple of times on the newest orders for some reason???..


Screenshot 2020-08-13 at 15.37.54.png

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes


So the 8th Attempt to provide the Fibre 300 service has now also failed, which leaves me in the position of wanting to cancel the Fibre order, as its burning too much of my time chasing progress with BT.

I personally think that the rout of the problem my be that I was on a BT Digital Voice trial a while back which had all kinds of problems loading the order, which I suspect may  have left a messy footprint on my account that is now causing me these problems.


Has anyone successfully upgraded from FTTC with Digital Voice to FTTP with Digital voice?

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes

Do you still have the contact details of the trial team? Maybe they can help.

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes

Thanks @pippincp, I have tried, technically I'm on another trial at the moment, so I did reach out to the trial team before requesting an upgrade, I was told that DV was standard for FTTP now, so basically 'fill yer boots!'.  Subsequently we have tried to engage this trial team again directly and via the Fibre Team, but they seem to be pretty much shut down now. Historically I've placed probably 50-60 FTTP orders, mostly for colleagues, tenants or friends , but this one is for me and in this case I'm not sure that I want to commit to a new two year contract after the treatment I've had since June.


Good advice though, thanks. 

BT are scheduled to call me on Monday (which is highly unlikely), so I will call them on Tuesday to hear them out, but I will probably insist on cancelling the order at this time.


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Message 5 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes

It was only a thought as it certainly looks like the digital voice trial is the sticking point. I could be wrong but I think you'll agree. Perhaps @imjolly  will flag this for a mod to see if they can do anything?

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes *FTTC/Digital Voice update*

Update after two months of trying, BT have now advised that as my current service is Fibre to the Cabinet and Digital Voice, I cannot 'upgrade' to Full Fibre and Digital Voice (despite it being available), because the relevant codes for this scenario do not exist in the BT ordering system. Similarly, there is no code to allow me to be reverted to a standard /copper voice service. So after 18 failed order attempts and 35 years as a BT customer. it looks like I will be forced to move to Zen or another FTTP provider.

BT have no plans in hand to resolve this currently, so if you have plans to move to FTTP from FTTC and Digital Voice, be warned.

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes *FTTC/Digital Voice update*

I have asked mod to see if they can help or at least clarify why all the problems moving to FTTP

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes *FTTC/Digital Voice update*

Hi @converse420,

I've reached out to some of my colleagues and I'm going to find out what's the best way forward for you.

I'll update you as soon as they come back to me.



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Message 9 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Ordering Woes *FTTC/Digital Voice update*

Thanks @DanielS , @imjolly 

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