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Message 1 of 2

Messages not loading

My main BT webmail account has not functioned properly since about a week after BT / YAHOO mail was replaced by BT Mail. Memory reminds me that this was some time ago!

I can log into my account from the Email prompt on the main BT landing page.

The email screen appears with a small icon in the middle with a rotating arrow and the word "loading". This will continue to to rotate for some time before  the Error Message "Sorry this request could not be completed" appears in another box.

Many, many months ago I did contact BT Tech Support but they told me to delete messages from my Mac laptop but this did not help at all.

It seems that when setting up the account originally I must have ticked "save messages on the server" as my Inbox appears to have 251711 messages stored in it. 

I assume the problem might be the programme is trying to load every message and just times out.

I was getting by, accessing my emails for my main BT email account and three sub accounts via my Mac laptop and  MS Outlook on a desktop but these have on the same day developed faults and I would really like to get my webmail working correctly.

Any suggestions or solutions gratefully received although I think this is something that BT Tech Support may have to sort out at their end.

Many thanks 

Peter Kemp




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Message 2 of 2

Re: Messages not loading

Hi @psgk and thanks for posting.

I'd like to take a look at this for you to check if there's anything we can do to help. I'll drop you a private message now so you can get in touch.



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