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Message 1 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

Hi @PaddyB  and @NeilO 

I think I might have a very similar issue. I am a new customer and signed up to the Fibre 2 package which was activated on Monday. When I signed up to it there was a speed estimate of 49-72mbps with a guarantee of 40. Since its activation, I am consistantly getting 41 but no higher so above the speed guarantee.

The issue is that since signing up to it, your website now shows the exact same package as having a speed guarantee of 62 with estimated speeds of  67-73. I have been on the phone constantly trying to get my speed terms changed to this but I am constantly told that those speeds are not available despite being on your website under the same way that I entered into the contract. Unfortunately when I try to sign up to the contract through the website it tries to double my price but also drop the speed down to 20.  The only solution I have been told is to keep waiting but I am getting nervous as I do not want to exit my 14 day period especially every other provider is now showing that these speeds are available. As a new customer surely I should able to switch easily especially since it is the exact same package for the same price.



I have checked the Openreach website but it wont allow me to attached an image as its over the file size limit but the top two lines show

VDSL Range A (Clean) High 80 Low 76.5
VDSL Range B (Impacted) High 74.1 Lowe74.1

Please see below readout of my router. Any disconnects are as a result of unplugging whilst decorating rather than a disconnection itself.

Product nameBT Smart Hub 2
Serial number+091298+2125026465
Fireware versionv0.30.01.08093-BT (Mon Aug  9 20:01:14 2021)
Board versionR01
GUI version1.74 12_11_2020
DSL uptime1 days 3 Hours 27 Mins 12 Secs
Data rate18.0 Mbps / 44.4 Mbps
Maximum Data rate18.1 Mbps / 52.8 Mbps
Noise margin6.0/6.1
Line attenuation5.5/17.9
Signal attenuation5.6/16.9
VLAN id101
Upstream error controlOff
Downstream error controlOff
Data sent / received2.1 GB Uploaded / 2.1 GB Downloaded
BT Wi-FiActive
2.4 GHz wireless network nameBT-SWCMPN
2.4 GHz wireless channelSmart (Channel1)
5 GHz wireless network nameBT-SWCMPN
5 GHz wireless channelSmart (Channel36)
Wireless SecurityWPA2 (Recommanded)
Wireless modeMode 1
MAC address70:97:41:87:3B:7C
Software variant-
Boot loader0.1.7-BT (Thu Nov 30 09:45:22 2017)


I hope you can help!

Many thanks


0 Ratings
Message 2 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

can you check for line noise  dial 17070 option 2 should be silent and best with coded phone - provided you are not on digital voice

can you post results from dslchecker using phone number

use the camera icon to upload 

how to upload photo.PNG

are you using the master socket?  have you tried using test socket with filter

your attainable speed is only 52.8mb - this figure is not affected by your broadband package and should show best your line can handle

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Message 3 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

I've moved your post to start a new thread as the thread you posted on is different and marked as solved.

Speed estimates are just that, estimates. Your line will operate at the maximum speed it is capable of, there is nothing to 'switch to'.

You need to give DLM a chance to see if your line is capable of operating with a 3dB margin which will give an increase in speed.

Your line stats do look a little odd in as much as your upload speed is relatively much higher than your download speed.



0 Ratings
Message 4 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded


My telephone is digital voice and the dsl checker doesn’t recognise my number. 

Forgive me but, where does it show that my attainable speed is only 52? This is less than the BT website advertises and that dsl checker shows higher than that with my address


Kind regards


0 Ratings
Message 5 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

Screenshot is unreadable, too small.

Maximum data rate in your stats is 52.8.

0 Ratings
Message 6 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

Sorry but if I go up in size it wont allow me to submit it as too large apparently. I am trying to figure out a way to get around this.

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded


0 Ratings
Message 8 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

Never had a problem, just click 'Print screen' paste it into Paint to edit out any personal details and save as Jpeg.

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

have you tried using test socket to see if that improves speed

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Message 10 of 20

Re: Is my broadband fibre 2 speed artificially capped or banded

I hadn’t but just tried it and it raises it from 41mb to 43mb

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